Materials Market

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by bucket, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    I was just thinking about how helpful it would be if we could just buy some of the individual materials needed to upgrade the legendary pirates. On the thread Shop by paladinboyd the subject came up of using gold or grog to purchase these materials. That sounds great but I don't think midoki would go for that because they would rather you spend gems to buy chests. So my suggestion is set gem prices for individual materials.

    Common Materials(gunpowder, copper, voodoo mask, iron) 1-5 gems per item.
    Uncommon Materials(golden idols, silver)6-10 gems per item.
    Rare Materials(Exotic Topaz, Glittering Amethyst, Radiant Citrine, Raw Garnet) 11-15 gems per item.
    Epic Materials(Exquiste Diamond, Majestic Ruby) 16-20 gems per item.

    I know the prices sound high, however this is because it makes it easier to obtain them. You can still explore or take your chance at buying a chest to get these materials. Also midoki could run specials from time to time to lower the prices in half or offer bulk or mixed packs of materials. For instance say the Ching Shih pack (5 iron, 5 golden idols, and 5 Majestic Rubies) for a nominal amount of gems. What are your thoughts on the subject or am I just a crazy person. Thanks
    HornyQuokka and Captain Catbeard like this.
  2. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Then it will lose the fun of lottery system...Midoki wants u to buy chests and depends on ur luck, they don't want u to be sure of buying something
    Secondly, people will gem their material and speed up LP. Tht means again work for Midoki.
    Actually, they want to go for a vacation for few month and inthe meantime u upgrade ur LP.
  3. I believe it would never get a greenlight from designers for many reasons.
    Personally i don't get the obsession of players over how fast to upgrade their LP. It's obviously meant to be taken time to achieve the higher levels so players don't get bored and still log on and explore.
    And maybe lots of players here are annoyed by the fact of how rare is the materials and spending gems on the tressure chests and etc. But no matter how annoying it sounds to them and complain they still will play it.
    I personally managed to get all my 4 LP pass their lvl6( Blackbeard, Annabelle, Mack, Boomer) without spending a dime or gem (i couldn't buy gems even if i wanted to because of my region is banned purchase).
    It's purely the matter of time and luck.

    P.S. I saw a suggestion in the guild improvements for guilds to have a shop and players among the guild can trade their materials with each other maybe with a guild currency or Gold and Grog or etc.I believe it's more likely to get a greenlight if the designers can see it, because that way though the earning of the materials is still kinda hard at least people get to balance their Silo with stuff their LP needs, i hope @Lynsey [Midoki] or @Chris [Midoki] or other players be willing to consider this idea
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
    mlc likes this.
  4. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    That does sound like a good idea Captain Kasra. I was only bringing up the idea because it seems like im just one material short of upgrading the lp and it would just make it easier. I don't mind exploring or buying the chests though. Your point is valid though that people would just buy and buy till they upgraded every lp and then would get bored and stop playing. Thanks for the comments.
    Captain Kasra likes this.
  5. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    They will never do it because if.u have two accnt... Can easily transfer ur materials one to another. And ull hv twice the progress and luck than others. I don't think Midoki wants any facilities on our side
  6. mlc

    mlc Captain

    Love the idea of a guild shop!
  7. I personally think it's a great idea. SimCity Build It has a Global Market where you can buy materials from other players at a cost they set. Their market is set up so that it only shows about 20 items at a time and must be refreshed ever 30 seconds. Rare items are grabbed up quickly so you have to be on your toes.

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