More players in high rank

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Virus, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    as we know the pool above 800 is very narrow

    There is a way to improve this. It has been done in coc and works well. Makes ppl want to climb and not farm low even when having ph 8

    Solution..... Simple..... Bi weekly contest. Top 3 guilds receive for their rank gems of 10000, 5000 and 3000 to be devided amoung the top 10 players of the guild

    Just an idea to increase the 800+ pool
  2. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Used to do this in Friendly Fire... 2 week guild war and the top 10 in the top 10 teams got gems.
  3. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    I don't think that will really help up top. It will just help the current guilds at the top. If you want to increase the pool at the top, make it worthwhile to be there. Right now, there are no incentives. #'s 1 and 2 are beating the system and a full raid team usually nets us a loss of grog. I finally reached 710 after spending my entire PP career farming to improve my base and troops, I can never hang on to grog. I came up here with 3-4 million and through raiding and being raided I am down to under 2million. If they truly want to get more players at the top, they need a system similar to clash's. A trophy system which rewards a victory with both grog and gold. That would get more people up into the top.

    Anyways, thats my 2 cents.
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Yeah. I don't really like this as an incentive. Like burns said, it will just reward the ones who play the system.

    It would be a much better incentive to create a league type system that gave gold and grog rewards for raiding at higher lvls.
    Evil Rastlin, Tiger Claw and Tex like this.
  5. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    A similar and fairer result could be achieved by just increasing the number of; and value of; the Quests at higher levels, that way it encourages everyone to move up, regardless of the support (or lack of support) of their guild.
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    If this were added, I would want to see a few changes.

    1. Gem rewards for way more than the top three. Maybe the Top 25 Guilds.
    2. Rewards for ALL players in the guild who have been active in the past few days.

    Giving rewards to just the top three guilds and top 10 players IMO discourages participation, because most people realize there's no chance they'll ever get any of thsoe rewards.

    Case in point, the recent #plundered contest. Gems went to the top 10 entries. That increased chance of actually winning something is what made me take the time to create an entry (and I got 7th place. yay).
    Sigrid and Ian like this.
  7. Christy

    Christy Commodore


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