Most loot ever ! 2.9 million total loot .......

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Lkkwus, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Lkkwus

    Lkkwus Crew

    donkeykilla likes this.
  2. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Wow! Nice!
  3. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

  4. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Must of been fun watching that rack-up as you lay waste to his island.
  5. Hajkja

    Hajkja Crew

    Impressive, it took me all night to get the same amount of loot you just stole in 3 minutes. I must upgrade faster lol
    Captain Hakjka likes this.
  6. Shark Bait

    Shark Bait First Mate

    That's it. I am dropping 600 points and coming down to your level. Just farm for weeks feasting off noobs. Lol
  7. Lkkwus

    Lkkwus Crew

    Lol in all honestly , the amount of gold and grog needed for upgrades its pretty lucrative here lol
  8. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    Very nice! I have a thread for best loots somewhere in theis mess ;)
  9. Alexander

    Alexander Powder Monkey

    That's why I like the Chinese
  10. aye*believe

    aye*believe Powder Monkey

    Ok. How!?!? I really need the gold before my shield runs out and I cannot get to it! I have tried 8 level 13 brutes, 8 level 9 bombers, 22 level18 gunners and Ching shih or some variation of. Bah!
  11. Donk, be nice my man! Lol
  12. aye*believe

    aye*believe Powder Monkey

    True dat donkeykilla, true dat. We all start somewhere.
  13. aye*believe

    aye*believe Powder Monkey

    Also, I just realized this is not where I'm stumped so please excuse the interruption. Cheers!
  14. I do every update, mostly cause I have to. You pay a lot for very little high up in the ranks. I'll be back up by you in a week or two though.
  15. I'll be nice and tell you. If you have Juggs use them instead of Brutes, at least some. They only take 3 spots instead of 4, which means you can have several more gunns, and they are stronger. As Donkeykilla always says, Brutes and Juggs are merely a meat wall, there to take hits. Their attack is so slow they don't do much by way of damage. Pick a side perpendicular to the GPs path. Use 2-4 gunners to take out any stuff on the sides of that side that may distract your troops once you disband them. Now send your Juggs/Brutes in along the length of the wall you plan to breach. Once the Juggs start taking fire, send 3-6 more gunns in to speed up taking out anything that puts itself in the way of Bombers heading straight to the wall. Once cleared. Drop all of your bombers in one or two places so they head to the wall single file. They'll all go for the same place. If you have a WD send him in right after the bombers. Right after the bombers are layed spread the rest of your gunners in a line along that same wall. If you did this right you should have leveled him, or, if your troops weren't quite strong enough yet, at least done some real damage.
  16. aye*believe

    aye*believe Powder Monkey

    That IS mighty nice of you! Thanks!
  17. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Very nice loot bro!!
    I had one of my largest hauls ever today from a PH8 base.
    2.3 Million Total + 2 Star Attack :D

    He won't get that loot back either as I immediately dumped it into walls and training. :)
  18. Moostache

    Moostache Crew

    Here's mine :)

  19. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    3.6 Million! New Record!!
    Moostache likes this.
  20. TBird

    TBird Captain

    At PR 56!!!!
    There loot hiding down there!!
    Moostache likes this.

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