My Ideas For Game Improvements

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by BlizZaRd MoDz, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. BlizZaRd MoDz

    BlizZaRd MoDz Powder Monkey

    These are some of my ideas to improve the game. If you like any of them drop a like :)

    1. More payment methods. You should add PaySafe and PayPal definitely. It's easier to pay with them especially PaySafe Cards. You should even add an option where guild members can add money together and divide the gems.

    2. Daily gem/resource rewards. These should increase each day you log in.

    3. Slightly increased gem amount when you buy them or slightly lower price at least just for a few weeks since the game is new worldwide.

    4. Increased tavern capacity.

    5. Decreased building costs.

    6. Faster loading time when you launch the app. It takes a while to load sometimes.

    7. Edit island option. This should allow the players to remove objects and select walls in rows.

    8. Add day and night features.

    9. Longer island inspection when you are about to attack another player.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  2. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I'm all up for nr. 4 and 5;)
    It's always nicer to attack with a larger army.
    hmm.. well the loading time is like any other game, and the game itself runs incredibly smooth.
    Compared to Star Wars Commander for example. It lags, even though its not ''3D'' like this game
  3. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    I like the day and night idea. Would give the aesthetics a boost
  4. GetRekked

    GetRekked Crew

    [1.] Adding different payment methods for buying gems would help the games income, but I believe other issues arise from that. We log into Plunder Pirate signed into our Game Center accounts and credit card numbers are linked to the account. Adding another payment option might expand out to something that Game Center has to implement. [2.] The second idea is awesome and would encourage players to keep on coming back daily (even though build durations and exploration durations kinda do that :D) to get the resources/gems. I've played some iOS games where they have slot machines and even scratch-off lottery tickets given to players daily with prizes, of course little prizes being likely and big prizes being less likely.

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