My list of wanted features.

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by VitanWolf, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. VitanWolf

    VitanWolf Powder Monkey

    There are many features that I would like to see added to this game. Many of which I feel confident others will agree would be great additions to the game. So I will get to the chase and list them.

    Support options:

    Gifting gold, grog, gems, buildings, etc. (self explanitory)

    Ability to call/send reinforcements (friend troops). This could work by building a building called the "Dock" or "Port" which can be used to ask friends or guild members for reinforcements. Start with 5 and add an additional 5 per upgrade. Those troops can then be used in battle. Your total troops will stay the same but you will have the additional troop reinforcements added to your total. You could also request specific troops.

    Building options:

    The introduction of new buildings for new materials. These materials would be needed to reach newer upgrades. This will make upgrading at higher levels more of a challenge.

    Possibility to create a "Safe". It would protect a certain percentage of your resources from being stolen when plundered. Upgrades protect additions amount.

    Upgrades to the flag post. Increases flag size and could make it more visually appealing.

    Possibility to build a "Shipyard" where you can customize your ship. Paint, weapons, masts, etc.

    Ability to build a "Marketplace", which would be used to establish trade routes with other friends and guild members. Could import and export other goods or trade goods with other players.

    Ability to add/change land. Currently the only land we have is from whats surrounding our buildings. Give us the option to add land without the buildings. We could also upgrade that land to roads made of brick, stone, etc.

    Battle options:

    A new "Shipwreck" battle system. This system would allow us to fight off land with our ship. Tracing a path with our finger would guide our ship. Weapons could be used by pressing a weapon button. Very simple, straight forward.

    A new "Battle Royale" battle system. Instead of pirates vs city it would be a pirates vs pirates battling. The town would still be there. Whatever pirates are in the opponents tavern would come out as soon as the first pirate is put on the field. Then they would duke it out.

    Map options:

    It would be nice to see area on the map where we can go hunt for treasure and get large payouts, this could be rare, or long Ventures so that it isnt abused.

    To be Continued...
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  2. I got some comments on your ideas if you don't mind.

    - Both the first two options where already announced, read other treads before you post.
    - New materials.. Okay, but why? Isn't gold and grog enough? Why add more? It would mean more buildings and I think the amount of buildings you can have is quite high already.
    - A safe. Why? When you get raided people can already just steal a percentage of your goods. So what's the purpose of a safe?
    - Upgrading the flag post: Well I don't even bother buying a flagpost so why have a bigger flagpost. To show of you spend even more money on useless stuff?
    - Upgrading your ship. Ah we are getting somewhere, it's a raw concept but it's a nice idea. Maybe add a huge skull to your ship. Now the cannons are included if you upgrade your ship so no need for that.
    - Wouldn't that be the same as your first point which is already on it's way. Just not including the building for reasons I said before.
    - Add/change land that would make it too easy if you just could add land. Everybody would maximize their land then.. The idea of roads on the other hand is a nice feature, altough in my base there is zero to non space for that.
    - The last two options sound like an entire different game. It's fine like this in my opinion.

    Right just my opinion, but still do check other treads before posting please!
  3. VitanWolf

    VitanWolf Powder Monkey

    Sorry, I wrote this all out like 20 minutes before leaving to head to work. I figured if some of these features were coming, someone would mention it, which you did, so thank you for that.

    While I understand your opinions, I agree some of these ideas are maybe a bit out there, but at least I'm offering ideas. You may be contempt with how the game is now, but in order for a game to stay relevant it will need new features every now and then.

    Adding a third material will add more of a challenge for people. It could also serve as a gateway for additional features in the future.

    Some people like customization as a feature. By allowing people more options for customization it can give them a sense of individuality. I know I would get bored seeing the same thing over and over again. So why not change things up?

    Not only that but I am think of ideas that will not only add features but also help this game reel in more cash from the average user. The games needs to be profitable in order to stay alive. More options just means everyone wins.

    The "safe" could serve as a way for lowering how much gold and frog another person can steal from you. I was under the impression that if a person destroys your town, you lose everything. Not sure if that's the case, but it was an ideas.

    For the land ideas, it actually doesn't make the game easier, it makes it more of a challenge. Pirates move quicker on land then in water. Just saying.

    The last 2 options are obviously the more unrealistic ideas, but since we have a ship and pirates, why not give us the ability to use them in battles as well? In ways other then keeping them docked for eternity or sailing. Pirates had ship battles all the time in the past, so why would it work? If implemented right, it could be a huge hit.

    Your opinions are yours though, and thank you for expressing them :)
  4. I would love to see some changes in the game! I'm just saying that there are a lot of great ideas already out there.
    About the safe check out the forum about loot etc. There you will find exact percentages of what someone can steal from you during a raid.
    About the add land. Yes pirates move faster on land. But I drop my pirates close to shore and not miles away.. ;)

  5. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Third material could be used to craft voodoo totems that give bonuses of various attributes.
  6. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Now where to find a pirate that practices voodoo....
    PhysiX likes this.
  7. PhysiX

    PhysiX Powder Monkey

    Kim Kardashian? xD

    The only issue I've been finding with a lot of peoples ideas is that they closely resemble SuperCell's Clash of Clans. Now, not knowing if the creators of the app were intending to compete with Clash of Clans or not, I believe it would be a wise idea to stay away from the Clash of Clans "feel" because a lot of other iOS games try to copy Clash of Clans. I'm hoping that this game won't begin to follow those other apps.
  8. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I don't want a copy of CoC, just like I don't want to buy an android tablet and get an ipad clone. That being said, when you come across a feature that works but can be adapted or improved upon, why not use it? Also - totems aren't in Clash of Clans. If I can be a pedantic pirate for a second, clash is actually a stripped down version of Blizzard's Warcraft(1994). These elements are true to strategy-based games and just happen to also be in another game available now.
  9. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    Do You Know Rovio's Place Is Close To Supercell Maybe That's Where They Get The Idea
  10. Peril

    Peril Powder Monkey

    I like the idea of market place. Players can sell and buy items using gold as a primary currency.

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