My new island layout. Want your opinion on if it works or not...

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Mehtak, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Mehtak

    Mehtak Powder Monkey

    I have recently changed my island to this layout, leaving no free space for the attackers to deploy pirates on the water. Now, my question is if it works or not, because if it would've, why wouldn't everyone choose it in order to 'not get attacked'?

  2. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    I think you've answered your own question.
  3. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    My guess is that you will be quite dissipointed with the overall results. :confused:

  4. Skull King

    Skull King Crew

    Exactly what Tiger Claw said. You cannot get close enough to the edge. You can still deploy pirates all around.
  5. TBird

    TBird Captain

    You can still land troops from the water beyond where you can build. What's you PR? I or someone in the forum will be right by to show you o_O
    Tex likes this.
  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Please give that a try and post your results. ;)
    Floki likes this.
  7. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    it will not work, i have already tried that layout...not even good for defense.
  8. Mehtak

    Mehtak Powder Monkey

    Thanks. I wanted to see if the enemy can still deploy pirates on the edge of the map, which apparently they can, so probably gonna change it. My pirate rank currently is 140 btw. (@Tim Thomas )
  9. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Dropping and hitting "next" as fast as I can :)
  10. Mehtak

    Mehtak Powder Monkey

    No need to bother :) i changed the layout. It seemed impractical. But thanks for your concern. Appreciated;)
  11. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    You are learning grasshopper. Welcome to the forum. :D
    Christy and Mehtak like this.
  12. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    You will learn a lot here.
  13. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    Join Wild Piggies. We can help.

    Your base is what I call "the long walk" style. Lots of island utilize that approach, usually along with a walled base in the center.

    What you can do is guide attackers with a building here or there along the path. This works for lower levels.

    At higher levels a sheer brute force attack will be performed with no regard and they will win.
  14. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Great news Super! @Mehtak has joined the Wild Piggies famly!
    We're already sharing strategies so he can become a feared pirate and we're happy to have him on board. :)
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2015
    Super-Nor and Christy like this.
  15. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Im concerned I did not see sooner this was great intel please post any new designs and please be creative..

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