My new PH4 layout

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by gmt, May 5, 2015.

  1. gmt

    gmt Powder Monkey

    Hi guys, just maxed my PH3 yesterday and so, PH4 for now, i tried to make something efficient, even if efficient means quite nothing at this lvl. Some buildings are missing, since i reached PH4 few hours ago, but the main idea is that :​


    And there a picture of the bunks range :


    So, if i could have your advices, would be great and gentle from you :)
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  2. You got it right! Protect your resources over your Pirate Hall. Your ship protects your Pirate Hall and the PH protects your bunker which protects your resources. If that's done intentionally, good thinking ;)
    I am not sure at what guildhall level you unlock the stonemason, but an extra 400 hitpoints to your wall is a very big deal at this point!
    But don't forget to upgrade those walls too! We know it can be such a drag. But it's important nonetheless.

    And my last advice is something that is probably not relevant for you at this stage but may save your base in the future.
    Juggernauts, a unit used by most players from Pirate Hall 6+ jump over walls to reach defensive mines, and mystic mines.
    So make sure you leave your mines outside of you walls or they will be useless against Juggernauts.

    High end bases on the other hand make use of this information sometimes by luring juggernauts into a crossfire of several defenses, while the jugg is busy with the mine.

    Hope you can work with this advice. If you want more you can either send me a PM or you can join one of the biggest guild alliances: Red Flag Fleet.
    I just became captain of RFF 3, a guild for starters. We offer great advice and many friends.

    (•̪̀●́)Soft&Hairy and Tex like this.
  3. gmt

    gmt Powder Monkey

    First of all, nice reply thanks. Played year on CoC i had my TH9 maxed so y, there are some things i already know / understand. But thanks for the jugger advice, walls was my first priority on CoC, but there are way more buildings here, so i max them a bit later. they are quite full maxed right now , since i had 150 k gold to spend.
    And yes, that was intentionally, reason i did a picture of the bunker range ;). I'm already on the way to build stonemason, just reached PH4 few hours ago so have to upgrade storages before !
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  4. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    The only comments I can add to what @The Fish Eyed Pirate has said is:
    • Turn both your ships around 180 degrees; most pirates atk from the dock so don't make it easy for them. If you loose your main ship, you loose your defence on your PH.
    • Don't leave puddles of water (if that is one beside your guild ship) atk's can come from any water even inside your base.
    • Minimise what is kept in your stores at all time; if you have it, spend it - or you will be farmed by higher ranked players
    Other than that, good layout, and good luck with your plundering..
    Tex likes this.
  5. gmt

    gmt Powder Monkey

    Thanks for the tip, i turned both ship, forgot to mind about this when made that layout haha. The puddles is now cover, didn't see it thanks.
    And for storages, i'm quite always full, used of CoC which needed ton of raid for thooses much much more expensive walls than there. I attak a lot, so, obviously i'm quite always full

    I'll update the picture this weekend, growing ASAP
  6. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Hey there:
    I am at PH 4 now. I practically prioritize RAIDING over all, since I have a 25-slot tavern and max pirates (for Lvl 1 academy) so I plunder asap. Normally here's my pirate schedule:
    1. Raid whichever idiot which attacks me at night.
    2. Send ppl on errands.
    3. Replenish pirates
    4. Choose my focus (i.e. upgrade PH, upgrade mines/distillery etc.)
    5. Plunder for resources
    6. Upgrade the target
    7. Replenish pirates
    8. Send them on an exploration
    9. stock-up on pirates for the next day

    I'm quite surprised at your defences. For me, I tend to confuse players with a heavily-fortified region with walls, but the whole place is literally undefended.:)

    Anyway, that was a GREAT layout you showed me!
  7. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Anyway, why didn't you clear the stony outcrop there? It seems quite annoying to me...
  8. gmt

    gmt Powder Monkey

    Hi, i'm a huge player of CoC, so i guess i build on similar stuff. And i need to protect storages only, i don't mind to lose rank for now. So ofc heavily fortified center.
    And i'll clear thoose stones later on
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Remember that rank is not important here other than bragging rights there is No benefit to rank up yet. It's probably only safe below 100 rank.
  10. gmt

    gmt Powder Monkey

    My PH4 is now full maxed. Troops aswell

    I'm thinking about create a thread "Road to PH8" allowing everyone to give their tips/advices to my Layout, PH5 to PH8 , kind of a Walkthrough, good or bad idea ?
    Ian likes this.
  11. why not? You won't get weaker from it :) And everyone here loves to give some advice.
    Ian likes this.
  12. gmt

    gmt Powder Monkey

    I'll create the thread when my PH5 will be done :)

    I'll probably need help for the flame gate best use
  13. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    How does the flame gate work anyway?
  14. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Anyway, @gmt it's interesting that you like brutes. Personally I never use them.
  15. The flame gate is simple in use. Any pirate that comes close (1 tile away) get's fried like the chickens at KFC. Taking damage every second until they move away.
    And like mines they need to be refilled when they are being used. They have a certain amount of fuel. It's very much possible that a flame gate can run out of fuel during a battle, because A. you didn't "refill" it or B. because a lot of troops are standing near it for a good amount of time.
    A flame gate runs on gold btw, like mines and mystic mines.
  16. gmt

    gmt Powder Monkey

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