Naming our pirates

Discussion in 'Build Improvements' started by Captain MetaTauta, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. Captain MetaTauta

    Captain MetaTauta First Mate

    would be great to be able to give names to our individual pirates. For instance I would name my Buccaneers " little stabby guys " .

  2. Devilish Gunmasters - gunners
    Majestic Bombers- Bombers
    Tonnetje Rond (Dutch saying) - Juggernauts
    Run n Gun - Heavy Gunner
  3. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Bombers = Nutters...but i still love em!
    Captain Harlock likes this.
  4. AngryBeard

    AngryBeard Community Manager

    Brute -> Big stabby dude!
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  5. Captain MetaTauta

    Captain MetaTauta First Mate

    So next update Midoki let us name our pirates
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  6. Mercutio

    Mercutio First Mate

    I'd be happy being able to have a name for my island and a player/user name. had I known way back when that they would be synonymous I would have chosen differently. and yes I know you can change your name for gems, but that doesn't solve it. wouldn't it be cool to see the pirate Mercutio from the island of Verona... maybe it's just me.

    for those older folks who may understand the reference: think simCITY where you name the city and the mayor ~ similar idea.
    quint likes this.

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