Need a base layout fo lvl 2 ph

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by cool gunner, May 3, 2015.

  1. cool gunner

    cool gunner Powder Monkey

    Hi I am new here and I need a base layout for lvl 2 pirate hall;)
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Hey Cool Gunner, only things I can suggest (and the way most of us found) are:
    • Look at the bases you LOST to (want made them a strong defensive base)
    • Look at how/where your base was attacked and beaten, learn from defeats
    • Look/browse the rankings find a base that you think will suit your level
    Finally your Guild mates. If you are in a Guild, look at their bases, ask questions. They should be helping you; If you are not in a Guild, or the guild you are in is not supportive. Then take a look at our alliance, Red Flag Fleet 3 is active (as are both our other Guilds) and is captained by @The Fish Eyed Pirate. Our members will support and encourage your development.

    Good luck with your future.
  3. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    hi Cool Gunner,

    my view is until your Ph6 and above defence is a unobtainable dream so have fun with your base layout and try lots of different layouts to understand the way the AI works.

    My advice to advance is expect to be raided so always spend your loot as soon as you get it. The best defence is having no loot to take. Also there is plenty of easy loot out there for PH2-PH5, simply Don't worry about rank and feed off higher PH levels who normally leave a gold grog mine or two exposed which will overflow your storage

    Oh also Don't ignore the map, send your ship out all the time, you need it later in the game to get battle points.

    Sorry not to provide a good defence layout for your thread and hope the advice helps instead.
    awbo and Ian like this.
  4. Hi cool gunner, I agree with the both of the previous post.
    Defending is hard at PH 1-5. Only at PH 6 you get some serious firepower/walls.
    But still you can learn from others.

    Make sure you protect your resources as they are most valuable to you. The pirate Hall is not important at your level.
    Because having a high Pirate Rank has no benefits, only cons (getting attacked more)
    But resources on the other hand are very useful ;)

    If you want to learn from the best pirates around feel free to look us up at Red Flag Fleet 3. We can give you some more great advice and good companionship!
  5. hidyhorum

    hidyhorum Crew

    Try to protect your resources like gold storage/ grog storage, so that it doesn't slow you down upgrading/leveling.

    Remember to upgrade/protect your mortar.

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