Need improvement for my base...give tips.

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Master Pogi, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Earlier this morning, I got plundered by another "Level 1". Can't retaliate because when I visit his base, LOL, he can go head to head with the top 10 players in the world..his base defense is awesome (dont know how much dollars he spent). So bye bye to XXXk golds and XXXk grogs, though I can get them easily but the thought of not getting ur revenge is terrible..hahahaha anyway, give me some tips to improve my layout. Here is my base layout. Thanks Mates.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
  2. John

    John Powder Monkey

    They layout design isn't bad, but it seems like you're missing a lot of walls for your level, you should be able to have double walls around most of that. On upgrades you really need to focus on your towers now, the extra 10 range and 90% dmg boost going from level 5 towers to level 7 makes a world of difference. You should also put sleep bombs next to sleep mortars to give them an extra shot or two before being overrun. And obviously you can level your walls up more, but that's a long term project. Make sure towers are your next upgrade and in two days you should see a huge difference when they're done.
    Master Pogi likes this.
  3. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Thanks!!! All my workers are busy, for the next few days...and yes, wall is very expensive so I guess I'll level the gun tower. I already place those mines and mystic mines.
  4. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
  5. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    No image for me to see :(
  6. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Gonna edit...
  7. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Shows the same thing, can you post the link?
  8. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Hopefully it will withstand next attack..The walls are so expensive. Wonder how the top players upgrade theirs. It will take me forever to maxed out the walls..=)
  9. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    I think you will find that a lot of the top people gem all their buildings and use cash made for walls and troop upgrades.
    Midleton and Master Pogi like this.
  10. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    I thought so also...Chinese people are so rich, they are at the top of the food I need to stay below to get all my resources then and maxed out my walls. Can't spend dollars.
  11. Don't have to spend that much, I mean i'm not in the top 200 players, but my guild is #4th right now.. Also what is it with people that they don't upgrade there guntowers? I mean level 7 = 3 guns/targets. And level 9 (highest level) has +10 range which makes it even more awesome.
    The base seems pretty solid, i like what you did with the ship in front of the PH. Then protecting your "ass" with the groundpounder seems like a good thing as people will tend to try that. But on the other hand people are very scared of the GP. So they usually try and avoid it. My guess is they try and go for your ship/PH side.

    [EDIT] just read the post above which stated you should have upgrade your towers.. You are a bad boy mr pogi. A bad, bad boy! ;)
    Kelani and Master Pogi like this.
  12. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Take note of that, Fish...i really plan to up my gun towers. After I finish my for the meantime, I just need to raid more and more for the resources. Thanks for the tips. Yeah I think they will go for the PH side. Hopefully It can withstand the onslaught. Last time the monster that attacked me went to the side and I got wiped out..hahahah! Free shield for me. Thanks matey.
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  13. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    New layout again...☺️☺️☺️i love this one...

    Bear likes this.
  14. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Looking good
    Master Pogi likes this.
  15. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Love this layout..hahahaha it makes the attackers pirates change direction...maybe I stick with this one for a long while...:):)
  16. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore


    I like it too - but no moat for me
    Master Pogi likes this.
  17. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Wow. Nice layout! Redirecting the enemy have two free builders in this picture, GB...:)
  18. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I'm saving up :)
  19. Cap'n Creeperb

    Cap'n Creeperb First Mate

    I'm looking at your base but all I can see is the money. 5m+? :eek:
    Master Pogi likes this.
  20. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Resources is not a problem, Cap'n...even in the office I plunder..:))

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