New Building: Alchemist

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by One-Eyed Willy, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    This new building would implement the usage of potions during gameplay.

    When attacking a rival captain or out at sea, the use of potions could help alter the outcome of the battle.

    Possible Potion Ideas
    • Damage output increase
    • Speed increase
    • Toughness increase
    • Invisibility
    • Invincibility
    • Blink(teleport) to the next closest building to attack that one instead
    • Deepstone Potion to turn a set of troops into stone(disabling movement and attack and damage taken), allowing brute or another tank class to catch up and receive the brunt of the defenses, or to simply avoid an imminent mortar smack
    • Mirror Potion to bounce enemy fire back to the source damaging the building instead
    All potions could last varying durations and be eligible to be upgraded to increase the effect and its length. (To keep the battle balanced the potions would only last a mere 5 or so seconds.

    A maximum of 2-3 potions could be consumed during each attack and only once per battle (instead of like the cool downs for special abilities)

    Any feedback is much appreciated and thoughts of different potions are welcomed.

    Sinister Souls - Guild Rank 28
  2. I find it too much like CoC (although I never played it, but from hearing about it). I'm not really a big fan of it I think.
    I find the academy to be a more realistic and better version of using potions. Pirates drink grog not magic potions
  3. Denis

    Denis Crew

    But i like idea with mirror

    Invisibility already has thief
  4. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Thanks for taking the time to offer feedback. Since you haven't played CoC I will offer some insight as to how this idea is very much different than the spell factory implemented by that game. The spells that are conjured in that game are used on areas to effect the troops and buildings within it's radius. These potions would be consumed by the troop itself regardless of location. Furthermore, the spells offered in that game bear no similarity of the effects the aforementioned potions would yield.

    I believe this would add an interesting strategy that would offer an attacker more control of the battlefield in an intuitive manner.
  5. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    As their is a voodoo hut element, the conjuring of a mystical grog to serve as a potion still could fit within the framework and theme of this game for sure!
  6. Kit

    Kit First Mate

    There's always a middle way, of course, and a way to implement the suggestion in the OP, but personally I was hoping this game could do with voodoo what CoC does with spells.

    EDIT: Ninja'd by @Black_beard :D
  7. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Many games offer certain enhancements such as, spells, enchantments, elixirs, buffs, bandages. CoC was not the innovator of such a battle enhancement but merely a participant in a widely used and accepted means of adding strategy to gameplay.

    Using the voodoo aspect to create mystical grog (potion) this could be a genuinely innovative implementation.
  8. Pyrobilly

    Pyrobilly Powder Monkey

    I would love to see maybe a vodoo witch house or something of the sort, where vodoo spells are created. More rise from the dead or a vodoo doll type spell where you can guid your troops for a short time, like they were in your control(vodoo doll). Spells could Deff work in this game as centered around vodoo. Awesome element to the game and very attracting.
  9. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    Hey guys I have a great idea. Let's make a new game called plunder pirates, but let's make it exactly like CoC. lol sorry just being funny
  10. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Since when do troops in that game consume potion to make them invulnerable to attack or capable of mirroring damage back to the source?
  11. Remedy

    Remedy Powder Monkey

    I honestly think the abilities are enough, the bucs and gunners have a "rage spell" like ability and I'm sure there are more that I haven't bothered to look at yet. Fricc is right, a lot of the suggestions I've seen try to make the game too much like CoC. I personally like this game for its differences.

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