New building: Vault

Discussion in 'Build Improvements' started by Lenni, Feb 27, 2015.

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  1. Lenni

    Lenni Crew

    Hey guys

    I beg you to add this Bildung: the Vault
    The idea is that you can store a part of your ressources in the Vault.
    Ressources, that are stored in the Vault are safe an can't be plundered,
    altough your base is completely destroyed.
    Now a idea for the Upgrades:
    Lvl 1 costs 800.000 Gold, 2 days, 20% of the ressources are safe
    Lvl 2 costs 2.000.000 Gold, 3 days 12 hours, 35% of the ressources are safe
    Now why the developers should add this?
    Because if a player have full gold storages and full Grog storages and wait for the upgrades (example PH8) and can't Upgrade anything with gold or grog, then comes a player and plunder the base and the storages. At best this player can plunder over 3.6 million ressources (yes, i already have seen raids with so much loot). This isn't so good for the player, who gets in one of the next days the new Pirate Hall or needs Gold for another expensive Upgrade. So i hope the developers add this new building, that would be very nice! :D
    I hope you could understand this long text with my bad english, sorry for that.

  2. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Please read the Building Improvements Master List before starting a new topic to see if it hs previously been done.
    We only want one thread for every idea.
    If you want to add on your information you can add it to the original thread.
  3. Lenni

    Lenni Crew

    Ok sorry i don't saw it :(
  4. No problem buddy!
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