New Guild vs Guild rumble by attacking forts on a map.

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Dutchie, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    A short timed rumble, maybe 1 hour, between 2 guilds using rumble matchmaking system that has a new map where you have to attack forts on the map based on the other teams pirate bases (copies) or Midoki made bases that have different difficulties and PH levels where the hardest bases and highest PH levels score the most points. Base layouts can also be submitted via the Base Builder where Midoki reviews them and if a good layout, add them to the database to be used on the map for this new guild vs guild event.

    Uses existing game functionality to reduce development. Solves the issue with Guild vs Guild Battle where all players are online so you can't attack any of opposition bases.

    Players who gem will score more points but could limit players to just 5 raids in 1 hour.
    Kamikazemug likes this.
  2. Floki

    Floki Captain

    And the answer from Midoki is.....................................................................echo echo echo is anyone there.....................................
  3. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    It seems their focus is on upcoming new titles rather than improving existing titles. That would probably explain the lack of communication and the lack of a list of new features or improvements they have started on. Shame really as the PP game engine and game concept are excellent and there's loads of room for improvement or adding new features using existing code...
  4. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    The echo is mainly due to two key members of the PP MiDoKi team @Lynsey [Midoki] and @Beck [Midoki] being on leave and returning coming march.... but having two of those out for 6months a person is heavy on a small business.
    Ian, peg-brain bob and Dutchie like this.
  5. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    Dank je wel vriend. Let's hope both mothers and babies are doing well! Looking forward to their return and hopefully liven this place up again.
    peg-brain bob and Kamikazemug like this.
  6. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    I might have got that complete wrong of course o_O:)
  7. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Strangely enough it's hard to pick up an iPad and send I high folks this is happening five mins and everyone is oh like cool happy with that..... I do it on leave but you know five mins in 24 hours...
  8. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    I stuff I happening and in the background a small selection of the most exquisite players is informed daily with elaborate scriptures of the amdaily peogress. Every now and then we drink tea, sometimes coffee. Are you sure you are not reciving these updates too....?

    Nagging has never helped to improve a situation, private, work related or game related. If you have great comments and suggestions (regardless of the implementation speed or lack of replies) i/we/the community LOVE to hear/read about them but from what I have seen there is pittle of that in most of your replies. If it truly bothers you, quit! And quit the forum in the same go! Never a shortages on naggers in life but always to little constructive contributors
    Dutchie likes this.
  9. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    Not sure if you have had children, but it doesn't sound like it. The first six months are by far the hardest with 4 hourly feeds and serious sleep deprivation... the last thing on one's mind is logging in, to appease the mob when you have been detached from work and you have no idea what is happening. I will wait patiently on their return and give them a few weeks to settle back in again.
    peg-brain bob and Kamikazemug like this.

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