No Rocks For Me

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by SirVin, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    image.jpg image.jpg
    From The ScreenShots Above I Noticed Some People Have This 3 New Rocks That You Guys Said Uses Gold And From The Looks Of It Only Some People Got It And Some People Didn't Got Like Me I Didn't got it And Why Is That I Need An Explanation(Not That The Rocks Are Important But They Look Cool )
  2. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    This was a recent addition and is only activated for new people joining the game. Unfortunately for established players it's not easy to find where everything is placed in their bases to know where we could add the new rocks. If we weren't careful, it could appear inside the pirate hall!
  3. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    My God That's AWESOME
  4. Dario Viva

    Dario Viva Crew

    but are you not able to write something similar to this:

    a=10 // a is the numbers of rocks
    while a>0
    if test(buildingplaced)==0
  5. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

  6. Dario Viva

    Dario Viva Crew

    why Whaaaaaaaaaa?
  7. Roland123

    Roland123 Crew

    I'm wondering if is better to no touch the rocks and build your base in the space without destroy them.I suppose is plenty space to build and rocks can be like protection right?
    Can you build everything without destroy any rocks?
    Too bad for me,I already destroy a few and now I'm thinking that will be easier for enemy having more space to attack me,other ways you can imagine easier for where enemy will come as isn't possible deoh in rocks.
    Someone know more about it?
    Thank you very much Indeed.

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