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Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by Oppressed, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Oppressed

    Oppressed Powder Monkey

    I think my tavern is full.

  2. _Berci_

    _Berci_ Powder Monkey

    Yeeee same to me :)
  3. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    But was your tavern full?
    Kelani and Keelhauler Jake like this.
  4. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

  5. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It's happened to me, but not that intense. I've had 3 at most. First 2 my tavern wasn't full. It's like it notified me after every stack of troop finished (gunner/jugg/frank)
  6. Ping me here please, if this still happens!
  7. _Berci_

    _Berci_ Powder Monkey

    bug fixed? now work perfectly :)
  8. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    Defect corrected? Now works perfectly.

    Little bugs fluttering around all over the place and getting inside vacuum tubes may have damaged the logic in the old, old computers but nowadays it's is design and coding errors by people that create defects in systems. Mostly these reach production because of insufficient unit test and code coverage use cases. New development processes have put all the control in the hands of the coders who mainly don't test enough because they believe their code is perfect or are pressured to hit unrealistic deadlines and told to omit the testing. The new approaches don't create less defects or solve any real issues, they just push them somewhere else where they are harder to see. It's like whack-a-mole. Of course, that's IF the actual documented development process is actually followed! Mostly the coders interpret the process as all coding and little to no testing, even though that's not what the process calls for...
    Rant over...
  9. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    Really bummed that pirates are still being 'bumped' through walls - I've lost battles due to it - and that the replays can be fantasy movies.
    - Identify issue
    - recreate solidly with all known scenarios
    - define and implement corrective action
    - run automated testing to recreate issue across all know scenarios to verify fix
    - run automated regression tests
    - attempt to identify additional scenarios
    - if all okay then declare issue as likely fixed and include in release
    - if not, start again

    Arrr! Yar!
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Just because you are frustrated over bugs or removal of an unintended feature don't assume you know what's happening on the dev side of things.

    I for one am proud of our dev staff. They are responsive, hard working, and genuinely seem to care about what the players want. All while trying to maintain a high standard of quality in this unique game.

    It's still In it's infancy as far as games go. Be patient and give positive helpful input. Support them by buying gems if you can . Show some appreciation.
  11. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    Don't assume that I haven't been buying gems. I think you'll find that financially I'm a huge source of support.
    I have given many positive, helpful and supportive comments in my posts. Which you could have researched before requesting I "Show some appreciation".

    If you read my post carefully you will see that I'm objecting to the general use of the term "bug" in software development which makes it seem like some outside influence caused the issue rather than a person making an error.
    The post then contains a general complaint about the current state of software development with special regard to automated repeatable unit tests with code coverage results and automated repeatable regression/integration tests.
    It was not in any way directed at the development staff that you feel proud of in any particular way.

    As a customer of yours who has spent significant money supporting you, you have made me feel disenfranchised and unjustly attacked for expressing my feelings and experience.
    That does not qualify as good customer service to me.
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I'm not affiliated with the staff in any way. So you are not my customer.
  13. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    Sorry, the "I for one am proud of OUR dev staff" (Capitilization mine) led me to the wrong conclusion.
    Nothing to see here. Please move along.
  14. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I agree with bug not really being the best term anymore, but then its meaning has changed just as "literally" changed in Oxford dictionary.

    As for the coding, @Keelhauler Jake , they aren't writing code for a small program. This is huge. If they weren't doing any testing, or even if they were doing only a little testing, more problems than we've seen would be popping up. A lot more. If you think you can write the code, by all means feel free to critique their process. If you can't, then recognize that this is a team that isn't large in number and there are only so many hours in the day. If you had a group of people like they do here at the forum begging for hundreds of new features and fixes, you too wouldn't spend 6 months developing a fix for a single problem just because you wanted it to be absolutely perfect. You would answer the call, as they have and put out as much as you could, as fast as you could with as few problems as you could. You would do it because if you didn't the customers would leave.

    I've read a lot of your posts before and you're right, they're usially quite positive and supportive, so why the sudden attacks to the dev team? Is it all from the frustration of the mortar/wall problem not being fully fixed? I can imagine that @Sir Bugsalot would agree that they are quite upset that it's still an issue for us. I'm also quite sure from previous posts by Sir Bugsalot that they intend for it to be fixed as soon as possible.
  15. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    Really it started just as a reaction to the term bug. Nothing more. Then it went off topic and expanded into a comment that in general the development process is weighted too far towards churning out code and does not give enough due diligence to the quality processes.

    I'm not suggesting that everything be turned on its head, just that the dial be turned a little more towards quality processes. Every defect you catch before a release is one you don't have to spend time on correcting before the next release. As is one that you thought you fixed but didn't. This time could be better used adding new features. It's a question of balance, and my suggestion is that the balance is currently a little off.

    And yes, the mortar/wall problem not being fixed is vexing to me as it's an issue that has resulted in battles lost/won that looked like they should have gone the other way. You actually make my point - I don't want Sir Bugsalot or anyone to be upset. A little more testing would have avoided this.

    I don't want to go into my background so I'll just say I know a fair bit about hands-on software development.

    Enough negativity. Back to happy thoughts...
    (Edited for dyslexia issues... Misspellers of the World Untie!!!)
  16. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Good to have you back :)

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