OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT..Red Flag Fleet Alliance..Guild Name Changes

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by Christy, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    For some time now we in the Red Flag Fleet Alliance have been tossing around the idea to change the names of our guilds in our alliance to get rid of the 2 and the 3. Since guild names cannot be changed and it involves moving everyone, of course it can take a day or two sometimes. A few members have messaged me about what was going on so I would like to announce that Red Flag Fleet 2 has now become Red Flag Force and Red Flag Fleet 3 is now known as Red Flag Fury. And of course Red Flag Fleet has remained the same :) Active and Dedicated players apply within :)
    Tex, cmooneey, SaK and 1 other person like this.
  2. Let me support Christy in this. We are still the Red Flag Alliance and working together. We have changed names to become more clearly sister guilds!
    Fleet, Force and Fury, the new Red Flag Alliance.

    Please excuse my out of date signature. Change is coming there, too!
    Tex and Christy like this.
  3. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yea good idea, numbering them looked shit. lolz :D
  4. LYM

    LYM Captain

  5. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    Go for it Christy! Changing the name wont change the great guild you are, and hopefully the name may attract more players! Good luck. The DeathShadow will lurk in your shadows ready to pounce for the kill nonetheless.
    Christy likes this.
  6. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Hind sight is 20/20. When we first started a second guild it was only meant to be a place for us to go to rest and farm. So obviously not much thought was put into naming it. It would be nice if there was an option to change guild name. It's been asked for here in forum many times but has never been implemented.
    Bl00dBaTh likes this.
  7. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Thanks @Skillzone10 :) I think :eek: the pouncing scares me a bit :)
  8. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    #3 should be Red Flag Furry. Just saying ;)
    Fil and Tex like this.
  9. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    What Red 'Flag Fleet 4'? Don't they get a name change also?

    What about 'Red Flag FAKES'
  10. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    If you wouldn't mind stopping in and leaving them a note that would be great. I'm sure it's just a matter of time despite many of us leaving them messages that they follow and change their name as well :mad:
    Ian likes this.
  11. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Until we get around to creating a proper recruitment thread - I guess this is it! :)

    Are you FLEET of foot? Can you feel the FORCE? Do minis make you FURY-ous?

    If so please consider one of the friendliest (and borderline insane) group of pirates in this game! :D
  12. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    <--- Was still Red before any of you...
    Christy likes this.
  13. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    True but your missing your flag :p
  14. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    (1) It's you're, not your.
    (2) I have my red jacket to hide the blood from my wounds and that of my victims!
  15. LYM

    LYM Captain

    1) Really, is there any need.
    2) your a tw...
  16. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    We're clearing the decks of inactive crew so we can get even stronger.
    PH 7-9 welcome to apply. All we ask is you be active in chat and rumbles.
    Feel free to Direct Message me if you want to join.
    GO FLEET!!!
    Darth Yoda likes this.
  17. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Thanks so much for the grammar correction :) darn IPad should have picked up on that
  18. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Technically the first one should have been you're but the second one was correct at the original your
  19. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    That's what you get for going to Disney and not taking the rest of us! :)
  20. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    I'm going next month for 9 days. Your all welcome :)
    Floki likes this.

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