Other type of views

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Tottok, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. Tottok

    Tottok Crew

    I want a more horizontal camera angle :D
  2. Mercutio

    Mercutio First Mate

    that would be cool, though the pirate hall camera does a good job of doing that. I just wish you could control where it goes. I end up wasting time watching mostly nothing so I can just barely get a glimpse of, what most times is, the backside of what I want to see (like the few new pink walls I have). when you only have 1 or 2 new things to checkout it's tedious to sit through watching a camera that's jumpy with adhd especially when the camera gets stuck showing the inside of you gold or grog storage. who wants to see that?
    quint likes this.
  3. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    You do know the outhouses have no doors. When the ladies of the islands go in, and you watch in camera view, you can catch a glimpse... :eek:

    Not that I ever have.

    And for you ladies, rumor has it the Brute's face was not the only thing that Midoki improved on him in that update a few months back.

    Thought it was clever of the Devs to sneak a flasher by the Apple reviewers. ;)
    John56 likes this.
  4. Mercutio

    Mercutio First Mate

    spongee, what are you doing up so early? and responding to posts? lol. me, I haven't been to bed yet. schoolwork. :confused:

    a flasher, huh, does he just randomly show up like the holiday characters did...I may have seen it and it just did not register, who knows. I'll have to pay more attention now.
    quint likes this.
  5. Tottok

    Tottok Crew

    I once saw a lady in an outhouse,, the next moment that outhouse was leaking rainbows and roses all over

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