Patching without full update!

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Skye, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I think you should move more of the assets to a writable directory so you can download/update patched resources without a full approval process from Apple every time you want to fix a bug.

    Many other games do this, so they only have to deal with approval for major engine updates, and smaller bugfixes or balancing tweaks can be hotpatched and downloaded by the client rather than a full app store upgrade.

    If you could roll out a patchfix every day during server maintenance, you could fix many bugs sameday/next day, rather than making everyone wait weeks for large content update.

    You should also add a more transparent and verbose changelog somewhere at the forums, with full details of every single aspect addressed with each patch/update, not just major content highlights. "Fixed bugs" isn't enough - which bugs did you tick off the list tonight?

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