Pay to Play Worlds

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Zeuticus, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. Zeuticus

    Zeuticus Crew

    Before Plunder Pirates, I played a lot of Valor, which isn't nearly as good a game as Plunder Pirates, but it is very successful as a business model for its publisher.

    Most regular Valor players participate in more than one game at a time. It gives them something to do while waiting cities to grow and for battles to resolve. Most serious Plunder Pirates would probably enjoy being in more than one pirate world at a time, especially at higher pirate hall levels when there's too much wait time between battles and upgrades. As it is now I play other games in between my pirate actions. If more worlds were available I'd play more Plunder Pirates and less of other games.

    The current world is great for introducing new players to the game, and the free model works with a few wealthy players buying gems to fund the whole community. I'm not someone who will every pay for gems, though. I'd like to support the game development but I suppose I'm just old and from a time where a balanced playing field mattered. To me the idea of paying to receive an advantage over other players is offensive and I won't do it.

    However, I would gladly pay a few bucks to participate in fair and balanced worlds where nobody could buy gems to get an unfair advantage and where the game was structured to be faster paced and more competitive. New worlds like this could start every month or week depending on how many players were interested in them.

    Are there any others out there who'd pay to play in that kind of world?

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