Ph8 max-almost maxed build

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by Ez-Money, May 15, 2015.

  1. Ez-Money

    Ez-Money Powder Monkey

    hi, I have been playing avidly for a while now. I have found base layout to be complex and honestly a bit overwhelming.
    I've noticed the same builds over and over again once in the top 100.. Although I have found one base which boggled my mind. So what I did was screenshot the base and copied it. Used my computer to look at picture while I redid my base completely, worked like a charm.
    Look up the guild ~legends~ or ~laughing skulls~ I'll be in one of those guilds, then look for the player Ez-Money... Feel free to copy my base as it looks easy to beat but once attacking it, can bring you into a pickle.
    There are many variations I've been playing around with and have found my current set up gets about 2-3 defensive victories a day with the only resources being gained are from distilleries and gold mines.
    Let me know your opinions and don't hesitate to ask questions or give input! I'd love to get feedback, and always trying to make my base stronger.
    Heads up, this is mainly for the stronger players out there as the required materials can only be used at ph8.. It is strongly based towards unit pathing and ground pounders.
  2. Ez-Money

    Ez-Money Powder Monkey

    [​IMG] Another note- there are always people who can beat your base as any base can be beaten. Mine counters HG pretty well, which are currently the strongest unit with 7 range can snipe your defenses. Wish I could attack my allies bases to test strategies better although that may not happen or won't be for a while

    Here's pictures I was able to upload
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
  3. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I've attacked that base design several times and just bullrushed the ship. Place 5 juggs 5 bombers 5 gunners and a WD on each side of the ship and they go right through it. I've also attacked it from the side and lost. :oops:
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
  4. Ez-Money

    Ez-Money Powder Monkey

    [​IMG] Hopefully this'll stop it? I'll wait for attacks and see what happens
    Hmm good to know, I've yet to see that happen to my design.. Any suggestions how to stop it? My only option I can think of would be putting flame gates next to ships instead of in middle. thoughts?
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
  5. G13

    G13 Powder Monkey

    Is there a version that could protect resources more? or does this one protect them decently?

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