Pirate Ship Ability's!

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by White Wyvern, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. I know allot of people want to see the pirate ship being used in battles in the future so here's a little somethin' I thought of that the ship could do Here's some ideas:

    1. Cannonball- The cannonball is Of course a cannonball fired from your ship which does a fair amount of damage and can easily do 3/4 damage on passive buildings but not so much on defenses and definately not the pirate hall but its strongpoint is that it has unlimited use and has a cool down rate of 10 seconds (Or anything around that) which would encorouge players to keep on their toes when attacking and use the cannonballs strategically.

    2. Molotov- a buccaneer aboard your ship appears and tosses a Molotov to where you tapped on the screen, it affects all buildings with in a Medium radius and slowly chips away at its hitpoints, but doesn't do too much overall damage only takes down around 1/4 Hitpoints from each building at level 1. however, it can make a large group of deployed forces go through the base quicker and overall makes the player think where they have to put this Molotov.

    3. Grog Parade- The grog parade is a unique ability that when activated, all deployed troops drink some grog and spiral into a rampage (Because they are drunk) which increases attack damage and speed temporarily for a short amount of time.

    4. Alright, this ones a little different, lemme explain: So I heard that a pirate captain hero was coming in the far future so i thought, perhaps he could have a special ability, here is the ability, Captain's Orders- Above the captain is an icon with a pointing finger, simaler to the pirate troops ability's like the thieves stealth and the buccaneers rampage, but when the icon is tapped, you then have the option to tap the screen and direct your deployed pirates to the tapped building/ place.

    5. Voodoo Respiration- a Witch doctor aboard your ship casts a spell and then gives you an option to highlight a set of troops (kind of like as if you were drawing across the screen) all highlighted pirates would be healed for a fair amount of time and healed slowly but gradually.

    And thats my suggestion, and I know ive been bombarding madoki with ideas allately and I don't expect them to be in a near future update, just put it on a notice board or something if eligible, dont wanna fill you with too much to do I guess ;)

    -White Wyvern, Keep plunderin'
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014
    David Hurcombe likes this.
  2. Razor

    Razor Crew

    Nice idea ;)
  3. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    All suggestions are always welcome, and it's great to hear you're all thinking of new ways to improve the game. You have some great ideas here White Wyvern and we're busily writing them all down :)
  4. Thanks! Absolutely loving the game By the way. Can't wait to see more players here on the forums due to the global release!
  5. Thanks razor, I appreciate that you like my idea, ive seen a few of yours too and I think they're pretty good too!
  6. Razor

    Razor Crew

    Haha thanks ;)
  7. Pirate Bee

    Pirate Bee First Mate

    Hey there! I like the first idea. Being able to maybe park your ship somewhere on the enemy map and it would fire cannonballs like it does on defence. Maybe only allow this while your ship is home from explore missions. So you have to choose weather or not you want to explore or get a boost to your attacks.
  8. Yeah that would be interesting, it would definately make people think twice about when they're sailings!
  9. SplotchyJester2

    SplotchyJester2 Powder Monkey

    I think we should make the cannonballs cost resources that you can buy at your dock, and just make it to fire you click the ship and drag for the angle of attack
  10. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    When i readed the no 3 Grog Parade At First I Thought It Was For Healing but It's For Them To Be Drunk:p
  11. Yup, got my creative juices flowing for sure haha ;)
  12. Perhaps, personally I'd rather have unlimited with a cooldown between, just to add more strategy to battles
  13. SplotchyJester2

    SplotchyJester2 Powder Monkey

    Yes but it would be too overpowered to have a priceless attack and would make soldiers useless

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