pirate stronghold x-isle

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by abigail leia, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. anyone have any good strategies for defeating this pirate stronghold? i cannot, for the life of me, get past 30-35% when raiding. i've tried every imaginable combination of pirates, too.
  2. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    I share your pain, I lost a lot of rank and a lot of resources on that nasty thing.
    The strategy isn't any different from the general strategies for any other attack.
    Identify the weak points and the strong points.
    Plan a route in to take out the most important defenses and what pirates are needed to do that.
    Plan the timing and positions where and when you will release the other waves.
    Watch what happens, and if it fails, figure out why. Did you attack the wrong point? Did the pirates head in unexpected directions? Were your forces not the right ones for the jobs you expected them to do?
    You have the advantage here where you can get a detailed look at the target. Just keep initiating the countdown, take a good look, and then cancel the attack. Nothing lost.

    I'm not sure that describing exactly what I did would really help or that doing that wouldn't be too much of a spoiler, but I will say that I had to use a strategy where I had more than one wave and I sent in "heavier" pirates first. Also, remember to focus on getting the rewards not just the defenses.
    Hope that helps.
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  3. Ultra-Phoenix

    Ultra-Phoenix Powder Monkey

    Sorry if the below counts as a spoiler but this was my strategy to 2-star it (at ph6):

    7 juggernauts, 2 witch doctors, 5 bombers and 20 gunners
    I deployed the juggernauts first, at the bottom corner of the island and then 2-4 seconds later I deployed my bombers and after that my gunners and witch doctors. If you use the witch doctor's ressurection ability at the correct times when there are lots of skeleton piles from dead pirates around and if you use the gunner ability as soon as most of them are firing at something, you should be able to get the pirate hall and simultaneously get over 50% for two stars, you can keep fighting but you probably won't get the third star.

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