Please Fix Production

Discussion in 'Build Improvements' started by Resarf, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Resarf

    Resarf Captain


    So you made everything harder, I kinda like that, you made some new expesnive troops that can get you a victory, such as the heavy gunner, all cool. However now to win a battle I probably need to spend around 300k-400k grog to have any chance at a win.

    And these people im attacking over 700 rank dont have that much grog, so if you decide to fight someone you most likely end up with less grog than the cost of the attack.

    So in summary its expensive to attack now, and while it got more expensive production of grog never changed.

    I propose you do one or all of the following.

    1. Dramatically increase the rate of production 100%+
    2. Dramatically increase the amount that can be stored 100%+
    3. Dramatically increase the amount that can be won 100%+

    Currently it takes many hours to gain enough grog to rebuild my troops, which is many hours im not playing, this just isn't good for the game.

    I can store 7.5m grog and if full loose 1.5m of it in one fight, and I'm fine with that.

    However I'd happily loose 3m grog if I could store 15m and if I have the potential to win 3m.

    I believe its been discussed before, but would really like to see some action on the rate of production.
    # Johnny Doe #, Evil Rastlin and Tex like this.
  2. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    On top:

    Pls fix:
    Donations for guildship, should come from tavern not from ship

    Pls add:
    Global chat
    Ingame messaging
    Permanent king pirate (upgradable)
    Evil Rastlin likes this.
  3. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I agree on increasing the collector production. I think all 7 maxed collectors produce a little more than 1 mill / 24h
    Maybe they can simply add another lvl to the collectors, so that they make about 1.7mill / 24h?
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    The system now requires gems to stay on top. Gem troops or gem shields while you farm grog.
  5. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    Or change shield times so grog can be stored longer

    40% to 8 hrs
    50% to 12 hrs
    100% to 24 hrs
  6. Resarf

    Resarf Captain

    I think if the grog / gold just refills quicker there will just be a lot more to go around.

    I gem troops all day long if I can, but there is no way im spending over 3000 gems to refill grog.
    Evil Rastlin and Tex like this.
  7. Evil Rastlin

    Evil Rastlin First Mate

    Maxing out your pirates has become a penalty, instead of an advantage at this point with grog costs. Skipping way to many bases just due to them not being cost effective anymore... A fix really is needed.
    Raptelan likes this.
  8. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Lack of grog at the top has always been a problem. Last weekend I was harvesting one pirate recruit at a time from collectors.
    Christy likes this.
  9. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Please check the master feature lists in each feature subforum. Both these things have been discussed and addressed long ago :)

    -The devs have said Global chat will never be added.

    -Permanent king/legendary pirates are coming. Hopefully soon :)
  10. Virus

    Virus First Mate

    Knew it exsisted but coud not find it
  11. AngryBeard

    AngryBeard Community Manager

    Moved! :) Seems a better fit here.

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