Please give a shield when attacker uses 50% of troops

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by wormsinyourbones, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. wormsinyourbones

    wormsinyourbones Powder Monkey

    Really tired of people using all thieves to raid storage units and leaving without a shield! Please change this midoki!
  2. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    @wormsinyourbones - you may like to consider a different base layout... plenty of players either
    • isolate their different storages within walled compartments. Or
    • don't have expansive beaches - so that defences target thieves as soon as they are deployed.
    Both layouts frustrate/discourage thief-attacks!

    Personally I rarely see opponents using thieves, so my designs are aimed at frustrating 3* attacks - however it is advisable for everyone to design a (or 'borrow' an existing) layout that reduces the most common/costly attack they experience.
    Ian, Superenigmatix and 850arrr like this.
  3. Its how the game works so play to the game!

    50% would be pretty arbitrary anyway, you can clean out a base with far less than that.
  4. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    You get a shield if:

    * The attacker has done 40% of damage but hasn't destroyed the Pirate Hall (short shield)
    * The attacker wins with a 1, 2 or 3 star victory (longer shield)

    The entire point of thieves is that they're ideal for sneaking about and raiding exposed and undefended storage units, gold mines and distilleries. ;) As Peg said, you might want to consider a different layout that's less friendly to farmers. I keep my storages huddled amongst my defences, snuggled behind walls, and most of my resource generators are on the outside of the wall, but next to it so are in range of mortars (as splash damage is super annoying for thieves).
    Omar Ceceña likes this.
  5. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    @wormsinyourbones I understand how you feel, but the use of +40 Thieves is a legitimate and very successful strategy for acquiring resources very quickly; and will admit to using this strategy myself many a time.

    @peg-brain bob is correct as I skip any island that has ‘thief-proofed’ their resources, in favour of easier targets. If you find you are being attacked too often, then it sounds like a change is in order.

    BTW: usually if you take out ALL the resources and a couple of defences (to clear a runway) this usually equates to between 40% - 55% enough for one of the shields

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