Please help us...Scottish Terrors

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts

    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts Powder Monkey


    Thank you for checking out this thread. We are looking for semi-active folks who enjoy playing the game for what it is..a game. We rumble usually twice weekly or more at the request of someone. We enjoy our perks, we need help keeping them running. We don't boot people out for failing to achieve a certain point standard for rumbles. If someone gets booted it was for being inactive for weeks. We donate pirates frequently for whatever is asked. So please come help us out, we are chill, laid back and social.

    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts
  2. Seawitch

    Seawitch First Mate

    Wishing your guild all the best! I hope people join.
  3. Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts

    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts Powder Monkey

    Me too ...sniff
  4. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Always great to see new Guilds starting up. Good luck @Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts starting a Guild and keeping it going take a lot of hard work. But the rewards are worth it.
    Tiger Lilly likes this.
  5. Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts

    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts Powder Monkey

    Free Beer!!!
    Tiger Lilly likes this.
  6. flyingdoucheman

    flyingdoucheman Magical Banner Wizard

    Free beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: Dam. You terrors are giving it away? We at the ebar never thought of that. Best of luck Capt FZyNutz, great name. :D
  7. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    @Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts...The video clip is great, too funny!!:p Thank you for sharing!:) Also good luck on your recruiting endeavors, it's rough seas out there at the moment...hopefully the waters will calm soon.
  8. Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts

    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts Powder Monkey

    Flyingdoucheman that is a great name too, can't stop chuckling over that one
    flyingdoucheman likes this.
  9. Scarlet Fever

    Scarlet Fever First Mate

    Your guild was where I started out in pirates, when I was just a newbie pirate:rolleyes:. Wise mans fear taught me a lot about the game, so I'm sure will be a great help. I wish you all the best in developing your guild:)
    Tiger Lilly and Ian like this.
  10. Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts

    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts Powder Monkey

    Bump-bump-smackity-bump-bump, (yeah you had the Power Rangers tune in your head after you read that a second time)
  11. Seawitch

    Seawitch First Mate

    Damn you Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts now I'm going to visit you guild just to annoy you!
    After the event of course
    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts likes this.
  12. Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts

    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts Powder Monkey

    Seawitch, yes please join if even for a minute! It will mean this post worked. Yay! My inner 12 yr old boy is happy:)
  13. Seawitch

    Seawitch First Mate

    What days do you rumble and what time?
  14. Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts

    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts Powder Monkey

    As of right now we don't have a set time, if someone requests we start one or if there's an event we keep one going. Pretty flexible right now, kinda like Gumby. Except for the sailing event.
    flyingdoucheman likes this.
  15. flyingdoucheman

    flyingdoucheman Magical Banner Wizard

  16. Ian

    Ian Commodore

  17. flyingdoucheman

    flyingdoucheman Magical Banner Wizard

    Always loved yours as well @Ian
  18. Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts

    Cp'n Fuzzy Nuts Powder Monkey

    The banner is awesome!! Thank you! Now I just have to figure out how to use it.
    flyingdoucheman likes this.
  19. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    flyingdoucheman likes this.
  20. Sharky

    Sharky Powder Monkey


    R u keen on a merger. You guys can cross over and I hand u the captainship and we can make it stronger.

    Singapore raiders is my guild name and do feel freee to come and visit.

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