Plotting hypothetical journeys while exploring

Discussion in 'Exploration Improvements' started by Moscow Cat, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Moscow Cat

    Moscow Cat Crew


    First, thank you for the update! It is really fun. The Halloween theme is just the best. And I just noticed that the round rock in the corner of our islands is a turtle!!! Wonderful.

    Second, I was thinking that it would be nice to be able to plot out future hypothetical trips while the ship is sailing. In other words, be able to use the tool available to us to plot trips when the ship is waiting to sail while the ship is active. I love playing with the map and looking at the different things on it, and I like being very methodical - making sure I haven't missed any squares as I travel around clockwise from North to West. Basically just another level of distraction that keeps me from my academic work! :)

    Thank you!
    Fakebeard the Ba likes this.
  2. Moscow Cat

    Moscow Cat Crew

    I see I managed to attract exactly zero cosigners, but still stand by my request. It is fun to play with the map, and it would be fun to use the journey mapping tool even while the ship was sailing. So this is a second plea. Pretty, pretty please.
  3. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Oops - I meant to comment on this one. It's being added to the exploration requests. I'm pretty sure it has been requested before but I still support its addition. :)
    Moscow Cat likes this.
  4. Moscow Cat

    Moscow Cat Crew

    hurray!! gives us something else to do while waiting for pirates to Que. thanks for the support! :)
  5. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It's been suggested before for sure. But I still want it
    Moscow Cat likes this.

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