Plunder Pirate Wiki

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by mynameiszakk, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Upgrades, cost, level requirements, stats, and pictures of course!!!!

    So I've seen that there is indeed a wiki page out there, but I do not believe it does this magnificent game due justice. Maybe there is one similar to what I am about to describe, however it is obviously too hard to find or navigate if it does exist. As you may know, CoC and Boom Beach (as well as many other games) have their own wiki and the layout they use is absolutely awesome and I feel that even though it is not part of the game itself, having an informative site displaying possible upgrades, cost, level requirements, and stats would be nothing but beneficial. I know that I use these sites to plan and strategize and if you could find a way to show all possible upgrades and stats (not just the current level and one above, but all) in game, well.. That would be revolutionary!! Hope this doesn't sound too crazy :p
  2. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    There's a guide in the resources for PH 1-3
    mynameiszakk likes this.
  3. Woah!! That's cool, just wish I would've known about that a while ago :/
    That is definitely a really cool thing they got going on there, hopefully it gets updated soon. I'm on PH5 and am pretty much 'flying blind.' Thanks a lot though for finding that!
  4. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

  5. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

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