Plunder pirates on PC

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Jmababa, May 26, 2015.

  1. Jmababa

    Jmababa Powder Monkey

    since your android version is glitchy try puting it on pc cause you can still load your game from android on pc
  2. You do understand PC is a totally different platform? It would make PP go from mobile gaming to regular. Maybe you can try to tell us what you find glitchy about your Android version and we will be able to help you.
  3. Undoomed

    Undoomed Powder Monkey

    This is a great idea for a consumer point of view. And mobile gaming and regular gaming is there really that clear cut line other than the convenience of it which is already available since the mobile versions are out?

    However, from a business point of view. It would take statistics for reviewing if this is entirely worth the resources to develop.
  4. It's entirely different coding needed.
    You need to find a way how to overcome the multitouch features we have on mobile devices.
    And probably way way more problems you have to overcome to make the idea work.
    So this will cost Midoki a lot of money while probably not giving much back since most PC gamers already have the chance to play this on their phones.
  5. awbo

    awbo Captain

    Perhaps he means bluestacks?
  6. Yeah maybe, not entirely sure.. :)
  7. Jmababa

    Jmababa Powder Monkey

    Nope same coding java is the best platform for coding you just have to resave as exe in pc or jar instead of apk + google play also works in pc ive programed something similar to this that can both use mouse and click on by fingers as my thesis on collage but the base coding is for click by fingers and once converted to jar mouse automatically took over in pc you just need latest java from
    Last edited: May 27, 2015
  8. hidyhorum

    hidyhorum Crew

    Just curious, would you also happened to have cost vs benefit analysis too for doing this?
  9. Jmababa

    Jmababa Powder Monkey

    Yes game is small so cost is minimal you only have to pay the one converting it to jar cause you use the same server benefit if in android glitchy once more we can still play in pc
  10. + this would make Plunder Pirates 100% more "cheatable". So still a No from me. Too many problems you have to overcome. While having almost zero benefit
  11. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Also defeats the purpose of a mobile game. There are clear cut genre for a reason. The age of console or pc superiority in gaming is going away quickly. The most profitable gaming industry is mobile gaming.
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  12. Jmababa

    Jmababa Powder Monkey

    mobile gaming isn't the most profitable gaming its the franchise gaming like Fallout, TWD game, Resident Evil, angry birds. Note its not whether its in PC or mobile or console its franchise games. and the best franchise game made by midoki is angry birds. And also more profitable is console gaming you cant fake console games on xbox 1 and ps4 they wont run
    Last edited: May 30, 2015
  13. Bear

    Bear Commodore

  14. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore


    I wish they had it, because I love playing games on a big screens, but it won't happen. Why?

    Tons of work for zero profit.

    Rovio had PC versions of their titles for a few years, and suddenly dumped the PC platform last year for precisely this reason. Crunching the numbers on leaderboards, I was able to determine that the platform breakdown for their Angry Birds titles was as follows:

    iOS: 73%
    Android: 15%
    PC/Mac: 2%

    The development costs simply outweigh the returns, and it's not profitable. Additionally, there is no easy way for a PC platform to generate IAP revenue. Hence why PC versions of mobile games usually cost more. These games get their revenue from IAPs, so without those, a PC version would cost more than most people are willing to pay.

    This also extends to Windows phone. Other developers have tested the waters with that platform, and abandoned it for lack of profit potential.

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