[Plunder Pirates]-The most creavitve defense layout, Hexagram Layout/defense layout

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by Roserio, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    One of the most creative defense layout called Hexagram Layout.
    Hexagram layout has very symmetrical layout, which combines 3 types of layout I've previously introuduced/uploaded,
    1.encompassed islands
    2.maze layout
    3.offset layout

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  2. Cap'n Creeperb

    Cap'n Creeperb First Mate

    Haven't seen this on in-game much, thanks for sharing. :)
  3. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    yeah, i can rarely see this layout these days, as I said, it's most creative, not most defensive :)
  4. Floki

    Floki Captain

    I see Pwn got ya....Nice
  5. gmt

    gmt Powder Monkey

    Typical CoC layout, just less walls on this game, funneling seems to works great on Plunder Pirates aswell :)
  6. Floki

    Floki Captain

    unless you CoC it up...Just saying..:oops:
  7. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    This is an octogon, not a hexagon. They can be quite successful if designed well - I have been using such a layout in various iterations for months and win most defenses. No layout can win them all.
  8. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    ^^; right why in the world did I wrote hexagon, sorry for the mistake

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