Port Verdent

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Plunder oud petey, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Plunder oud petey

    Plunder oud petey Powder Monkey

    Hi plunderers,
    I have PH7 but I'm struggling with Port Verdent and Pirate strongholds.
    What strategies do you use?
  2. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    I would just wait until you are ph8. You'll have stronger troops and you'll also appreciate the loot more as all upgrades cost more then ;)
  3. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Larger army size and stronger troops are usually the answer. I'm not sure which one in particular verdant was since I've cleared most of mine already for my statue. if you post a screenshot of the layout I could give you a couple ideas for strategies.
  4. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Port Verdant is a PH7 layout:

    @ U22
  5. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I just saw I guess I haven't cleared that yet, its a new one

    There are other better ways to do this, but this is a cheap easy way.

    One brute takes the gp from the start, a brute in the two corners with defenses. When the defenses die (or even as soon as they target the brute), add a gunner to clear the rest of the buildings.

    At the same time, in the side buildings without defenses, 1 gunner per section. 3 gunners at the top section with the ship, so they can clear the ship in time, make sure they're coming in from one of the sides so they don't walk in ship firing path

    As soon as the GP dies, deploy 3 brutes on both openings by ph that has gun towers. They will take care of gun towers, mortars. As soon as the mortars are distracted, one brute on each bunker from the side of the bunker, (so cannons shoot the brute), and then add any leftover gunners split between the sides to kill off the bunker. Some will then take care of the mortars and ph, some will inevitably split and take out the cannons/stores.

    It should be a total of 11 brutes and 21 gunners for a 65 slot army. Bring a spare brute and the rest gunners on your guild ship.

    This is a very cheap (at PH7 it should be <60k!), fast building army. Brutes will rush defenses, and take plenty of hits. Gunners will kill everything off faster than they can kill the brutes off. You do not need any witch doctors at this point. Witch doctors are only really useful vs gun towers or bunkers. Bunkers will never be firing on any troops, and because the brutes will hit gun towers first, they won't do much damage. You can add a couple gunners to take out the GT once the brutes walk in far enough to draw the mortar away from the shore depending on how fast your brutes can kill them.

    I'm unsure of how the port looks at higher levels, but just adjust accordingly. You want the minimum needed for each corner.

    Juggs work better than brutes for most places (you can use 10 instead of 10 brutes, but use one brute to kill the gp quick, since itll hit it instead of the buildings surrounding it), but they also cost much more. If you're worried about time, juggs are a better choice since you can use extra gunners then. The advantage of the brute is it rushes the defense and kills it quick, and theyre very cheap to build.

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