Problem in rumble

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by edhuardo carvalho, Oct 25, 2017.

  1. edhuardo carvalho

    edhuardo carvalho Powder Monkey

    everytime start rumble everybody knows how is winner the rumble by your hit points, for a fair rumble. you needs do a correction factor. For example: rumble 1)time 6000 2)time 3000 4) time 1000.
    Factor for time 1=1/2 time 2=1 time 3= 2 (multiple points for 2).
    The formula is simple. This way everybody has a chance to win. it's a real game, today always time 1 wins the other get very angry and frustrated. It's mean you lost new players and lost money, do the right thing make this game fair. Thanks
  2. Omar Ceceña

    Omar Ceceña First Mate

    ¿De qué estás hablando? ¡Me tienes muy confundido! ¿o Perdóname si hablas español, No?
    Sea Patriot likes this.
  3. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    @edhuardo carvalho - You are saying that rumbles are unfair...

    Are you commenting on how a player's Pirate Hall affects the number of Rumble points they can score?
    I.e. the highest number Pirate Hall can score more points per win than lower levels.

    Or are you commenting on how the different guilds in a Rumble are not evenly matched?
    I.e. there is very often a much stronger guild that scores many more points than the other guilds.

    Or something else entirely? ;)
  4. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    I think he’s trying to say the rumbles should align guilds based on their hit points defensively speaking.
  5. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    I think the problem with any realigning is that benefits, by way of weighted points, can be exploited by a guild that normally doesn't score much, but then one day decides to go hard against a rival. Also some days even higher scoring guilds don't have as many players able to score well on a given day, so it kind of works itself out. A guild should always try to win to be best of their ability, as no rumble win is guaranteed unless some of the guilds don't try.
    Barbe Rose likes this.
  6. Maybe a combination of the two, we rarely get matched with more than one other team who are competitive, usually we are completely outgunned by the rest, or three of them don't fight at all.
  7. Broadside

    Broadside Crew

    What he's saying is that the ranking of the guild usually determines the winner indirectly so he wants a handicap. I think he's misconstrued how the guild ranks work, and the idea would create incentives for guilds to rapidly drop rank.

    The problem is not enough guilds playing to fairly match 5 together. We need more players...
    MorganFlint likes this.

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