Really big bunker available on upgrade (GFX glitch)

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by c00ni, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Unfortunately I can't reproduce it after relaunching the app but this came up when checking what PH7 will unlock for me:

    I know it is probably difficult to track the cause but might be worth having a double check of the code responsible.

    iPhone 6, iOS 8.1, app v1.3.2.
  2. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

  3. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    I think the official forum's bug report section is the appropriate place to post bug reports?
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    He is not getting in to you for posting here. Just suggesting another option. Some things I've even seen the administration here suggest emailing support. It's a twofold path to fix bugs and sometimes posting on the forums is not enough to get something changed.

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