Recruitment Time varies for same combo!

Discussion in 'Guild Bugs' started by Aarron, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Aarron

    Aarron Powder Monkey

    Since the update I have used the new Recruit buttom 4 times.. on 2 occasions the troop training time = 38mins... the other 2 were 29mins.

    On one of the ones that said 38mins... I deketed troops from the tavern and recruited manually... the time reduced to 29mins...why?
  2. Marmaladesix

    Marmaladesix First Mate

    I just came here to post this bug too, only I get 56 min hire times with the button vs 29 min if I do it manually. I think I know how I'll be hiring troops from now on!
  3. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Unfortunately it seems that the pirate catcher perk isn't being correctly applied when using the rehire button. We're currently looking into seeing if there's any further issues.
    Super-Nor likes this.
  4. Aarron

    Aarron Powder Monkey

    Cool... sometimes it does show the reduced time but not always
  5. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    Just so you know I had the same issue. Before the short maintenance the redeployment button worked great. It rerecruited my pirates and the time to recruit was down. After the short maintenance my recruiting time went from 41 minutes to 1 hour and 18 minutes :(
  6. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    On the bright side, the rehire button applies the PC advantage if used when the PC is in cooldown. Hah!
  7. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    Must be nice rapt. Mine still won't even give me the time reduction at all.
  8. Discgolfer1974

    Discgolfer1974 Powder Monkey

    Has anyone else noticed this? After a battle I click on the button to re-recruit the same pirate army and the time above the tavern is higher than if I had gone to the tavern and recruited my army manually. My guild keeps all perks funded continuously and the Pirate Catcher perk is always switched on. The time difference goes from 50+ minutes to about 38 leading me to believe that the re-recruit button does not take the Pirate Catcher perk into account. Rovio, can you fix this?
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It is a known bug. They are supposed to be fixing it, but I believe it requires am app update.
  10. yeti

    yeti Captain

  11. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Oops, snap!
    Bear likes this.
  12. RockyT

    RockyT Guest

    Some of my guild ( myself included )are having issues with the automatic recruitment. For some reason if you do it via the auto recruitment, it seem to by pass our ( active) Pirate Catcher and almost double the recruitment time. Anyone else having the same problems.
  13. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    It's a known issue, it should be fixed in the next update.
  14. Ouija Master

    Ouija Master Powder Monkey

    I spent 30000000 gems extra recruiting this way :'( can I get them back?

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