Reduced BP

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by Sigrid, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew

    Since the upgrade this morning, my Guild members are receiving significantly reduced BP for attacks (about 1/3 of what was previously earned) We have reported this and Lynsey assured us that no changes had been made to BP in this update and asked us to send a support ticket. A couple of us reported it to support, but now the email send seems to be disabled. Is anyone else having these issues?
  2. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    I would have to agree. I just leveled a PH7 base and only collected 13 (might have been 16) BP's. I'll pay more attention on my next attack run.

  3. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Yep.... Just leveled another PH7 base and only collected 13 BP's. Guild members are also posting similar issues.

  4. Vince

    Vince First Mate

    Last edited: May 2, 2015
  5. Willard

    Willard Powder Monkey

    I sent in a ticket and this is the response I got, for my 3 star win that got 6 BP

    Mikko, Mar 19, 05:12:
    Hello there,
    and thanks for contacting us!

    The latest update included some changes to the matchmaking system of the game. Therefore the amount of Battle Points you get from battles might vary according to the level of the opponent you're attacking. Please don't hesitate to contact us again if you have any questions regarding Plunder Pirates.

    Happy plundering!

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team
  6. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew

    Yes, I received one also. Odd that Lynsey said there were no changes...nor was it mentioned in the update list. This was a significant change that profoundly changes the game. I noticed, however, they did not change the 25,000 bp requirement for the academy upgrade. Nor have the fixed the issues with the map, even though members have addressed how skewed it is.
  7. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    For me, I swear I always got 5bp for 1 star, 12 for 2 star, 21 for 3 star no matter the opponent. it certainly has changed.
    Oddly, the player to player battles were always too littlebp , whereas the fish/serpents too much for the respective efforts.
    Just got a 2000bp fish within last week = 100 three star wins under old system, even more now.
    Strange, but the bp updates and loss of loot widecreased collector percentages are slooowing progress. Maybe necessary for Android users to catchup, but might as well announce that if that was the intention. Being informed would reduce discontent. Always hard to guess what the next change in dynamic will be, but this update feels like a new case of Scurvy!! And no Vitamin C in sight (cure for scurvy).
  8. Fyre

    Fyre Powder Monkey

    Wow 2000bp fish! What a nice catch.
  9. Fyre

    Fyre Powder Monkey

    I understand that it's only fair that the bp varies depending on the opponent. I always thought it was odd that I could get the same amount of bp regardless of the effort I put into the battle. But Midoki made a mistake to decrease the bp. They should have INCREASED it when fighting higher lvl bases and kept attacking the lower levels the same.
    I hope I will get a bp refund if they ever decrease the amount of bp to upgrade academy.
  10. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew

    Hummm. The administrators have varied opinions about this..others say that the matchmaking changes will come with the next update. In any case..I have been attacking equal or harder bases and have yet to see higher than 15 bp on any base..and that was only once. 10 is consistenly the highest, where I used to get 21

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