Remove Add update Option

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by LYM, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. LYM

    LYM Captain

    Please please please remove the adds from the game or give me the choice to do so via the settings.

    please dont ruin the game with these annoying adds popping up every couple of minutes.

    @Lynsey [Midoki] In addition to this since the update the game is crashing
    Ian, 850arrr and Raptelan like this.
  2. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I agree. One of the first posts I made here was praising this game due to the general non-greediness with respect to gems, and NO ADS.

    I realize you have to have them, but please, do whatever it takes to make them less intrusive. There are already way too many things popping up that need to be clicked. If there's gotta be a popup, put it in the unused far corner of the map, near the cave.
    LYM likes this.
  3. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Please remove the advertising for at least those that spend gems on the game and please fix the WD AI, thanks.
    LYM likes this.
  4. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Agreed. Sometimes my time is limited to play so I don't want to spend it watching commercials :( next up.....Facebook integration. Invite 20 friends and you too can have this legendary pirate to call your own :eek:o_O
    LYM and Ian like this.
  5. yeti

    yeti Captain

    That would be curtains for me...can't stand Facebook and the second I need it to get a feature from a game is the second before I delete the game.
    LYM, Bou Regreg, Kelani and 2 others like this.
  6. The flashing question mark is intrusive on my game play and annoying. Yes, please remove them or at least have the option to turn them off. I don't want to watch ads for other games I will never play every hour just to get rid of it off my screen.

    LYM likes this.
  7. Cutthroat

    Cutthroat Powder Monkey

    I would love for the ads to either dissapear or be given the option to pay for a premium ad free version of the game. They are annoying and if you click on them to make them go away, half the time the game then crashes.
  8. BB-8

    BB-8 First Mate

    I'm just trying to figure out why Midoki wants players to go play other games than their own. It just seems counter productive to me. My OCD can't stand for the question mark to stay there, it's easy quick rewards.
  9. LYM

    LYM Captain

    yup thats a good point, so they want us to stop playing plunder
  10. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Do I get extra PP rewards if I go and download the game and create an account on any of these other games? ;)
  11. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Why is this so surprising? It's not unique. Every ad-based game has ads for other games. And some of those games have ads for PP.

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