Replay discrepancies = Your attack differs everytime in same condition

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by Roserio, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    case1-Yesterday I've won 100% but in replay it was only 50% destruction
    case2-I've lost by 45% but in replay I won by 63%, 61%, 63%..

    I guess many people has experienced these replay discrepancies.
    But this should handled more considerably.

    If the replay's logic is about having same
    - deployment timing/number of each units
    - skill used timing

    but having different result..
    this means however good you are, and however much experience you have...
    it won't matter that much but only 'AI's luck' is the variables that you have to rely on.

    of course you can enhance the result a little bit more by experience...
    but there should be little more logic here for the experienced users.
    and experienced users should win more frequently.

    I heard Midoki is fixing replay error on next update...
    but this means Midoki is also fixing our battle's logic as it is same one used in replay logic.
    hope some consistent coding can be applied someday.

    It will not be easy but Midoki~ keep workn'! and thanx.
    小绿(Green) likes this.

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