Revamping Rumbles

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by Danny Liu, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    DISCLAIMER: Yes I know this is in the wrong thread but before you point me out on that, I feel that the Future Requests forum doesn't get enough attention (Believe me I have tried posting ideas there with little responces). This is why I am posting this here.

    Guild Rumbles, an ambitious idea has not enhanced the gameplay for me much, it's pretty much just attacking but with a purpose which is getting BP. However I feel if we adopt the Clash of Clans War style -where you get matched up with a clan the same size and PH levels- it would bring a lot more enjoyment into the game, here's why.

    Before we get on with my reasons, for those who haven't played Clash of Clans Clan War happens like this. 2 clans (or guilds in our case) gets matchuped against each other based on size and pirate hall level (no more unfair Ph 3-5 matchups) you are given one day to study the bases on the other team and hand pick your specific team to use on the base you see fit. After the first day, the next day will be battle day, you can Attack whatever base you want on the opposing team but your main objectives is to get stars, capping out on 3 per base (as usual). By the end of the day whatever base has more stars wins and gets loot based on the base you destroyed.

    1. No more unfair match ups, being matched against lower PHs is an unfair advantage since BP farming for them is much easier, by adopting a clan-war like structure you will be matched up with a guild with roughly the same PH levels as your guild.

    2. It involves more strategy and 'Guild Bonding' being matched against another guild requires you to study the bases more and without the randomness of finding a random base in rumbles. Also my most memorable times in Clash was discussing base layouts and cheering your fellow members on when they score stars. This is much more exciting than your captain simply saying 'Go Attack as much as you can.' For me clan wars made my experience of being in a clan much more fun.

    3. Clan Wars are just more fair; both teams are out up against random people when farming for BP in the rumble. I have found this really random on who you will get put up against. Being a person of honor, I feel that both guilds should be put on even grounds, having a day before the war to study the opposing base is the perfect solution as it eliminates the randomness and makes it as fair as possible.

    4. You only have to Attack once or twice. The stressful part about rumbles is your need to keep attacking to stay on top, having wars will reduce the number of attacks you will have to make.

    Plunder Pirates is a very strong game but I feel the Guild Rumbles can be more refined. I also feel that a lot can be done with the idea (LIKE THE WAR MAP I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT). With Plunder Pirates rising to be a more popular game I feel the war aspect can be much more improved to keep things interesting and to possibly draw in more people, especially the fans of CoC

    I'm not asking for anything but please take this into consideration.

    PS: For the loot each PH level should get a pre-determined amount of loot, if they win. This will prevent lower pirate halls to attack higher ones just for the loot.
    Edward Kenway likes this.
  2. MeatShake

    MeatShake Powder Monkey

    Rumbles really need to be fixed the top guilds in every rumble get carried by one newbie who can make a full army in 1 minute and win any base guaranteed in their level range. It's been an hour and the brand new player in an enemy team has almost 1k points beating everyone by a mile.

    It's literally impossible to compete and is fundamentally unfair.

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