Rumble Bullies

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Bg79, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Bg79

    Bg79 Powder Monkey

    Hello all. This is my first post, so bear with me. I have searched for a possible thread on this topic, but if it has already been discussed, I apologize. Please comment with the link if so.

    Now on to my issue. I am not the captain of my guild so I don't really know how the selection process for rumbles works or what exactly happens, but I have found that there are guilds taking advantage of these rumbles being unfairly matched and requiring a ph7 or 8 to join, then rumbling with a guild that accepts a wider variety of players. During our last rumblewithin the first fifteen minutes we were third place, with 1 having 1,512 bp and 2 having 959. I think at some point we gave up because the level 1 opponents were extreme bullies, with their top player having 247 fights in one hour.

    This being said, I honestly believe that there should be an option not to fight against a guild, or even be able to drop out when the gap gets unmanageable. From my experience, a rumble is NOT WORTH losing everything I worked hard for. These people attacked us so viscously we HAD to keep the shields up until the end. I'm not sure if I can post the name of which guild it was, but it was our second time against them with the same result.

    I have read a few threads about similar topics of unfairness to players, so I ask you the players: With these guilds forming to unfairly plow through opponents, do you think that a rumble is actually worth it? If I could also ask the developers a serious question as well: Do you feel it's within your best business interest to continue with rumbles this way, since the players fight a few times, get bullied, put their shield up and barely sign on for twelve hours? I don't see how this makes logistical sense in any business. In my opinion. It makes your players lose interest in the game, and once the momentum from the game is gone it's at serious risk of withering away into obscurity.

    Please let me know what you think. And I would really appreciate if we could stay good mannered on this post because I know how upset people can get. Thank you.
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  2. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    As a member of one of those bully guilds, the matchmaking is awful at the moment. We more often than not get matched with very low level guilds or guilds with just a few members. We have also been matched with guilds that rack up massive bp fast and we just let them cruise on. We've also been beaten by guilds using second/mini accounts to get fast and easy bp. Two things, the matchmaking is terrible but I understand midoki is working on that. Not sure what is taking so long though. Second, until rumbles are tweaked to encourage quality over quantity, this is the hand we are dealt. Also, not really fair to call them bullies when midoki matches the guilds up and incentivizes hitting the rivals.
  3. Bg79

    Bg79 Powder Monkey

    Hello and thank you for your reply. I really appreciate your insight into understanding the other side and thank you for sharing. Our guild has been talking about quitting rumbles for a while, and from the looks of it that may be the best idea. I know that these were originally meant to be evenly matched, but since most of us are on during the day or late at night for a few hours, waiting for the rumble to end will be both tedious and aggravating so it may be better if we wait until this issue is resolved. Thanks again for your input!
  4. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Example. Look at our current matchup. 8, 2 and 2. Really? Not fun for either side.
  5. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Wow didn't realize there was a Lesbians R Us guild o_O sorry for the derailment. Great points made. Carry on :)
  6. Hi BG79 and welcome to the forum, thanks for sharing your opinion here!

    Selection process is as follows:
    The captain pays 5 gems and the algorithm will try to find a suitable match.
    However in the development stage of this algorithm the focus was fast paced match making. Being able to rumble fast is nice, but it is bad for the quality of the match up.
    When a guild that consists of 50 members initiates a search it will look for equal guild of 50 members with an equal average Pirate Hall level.
    When it doesn't find that it will broaden it search and repeat the process.
    Because it's focus lied on fast match making the algorithm broadens its search too fast and match ups are generally not very even. Resulting ultimately in the results you described.

    A guild acquiring 1512 bp in 15 minutes however is very extreme and I personally have not seen any result like that. Also 247 fights in one hour is impossible, not just theoretically but even if one fight only lasted one minute.. Well you get the point, don't get me wrong i'm not trying to undermine your point. I completely agree that the rumbles are far from perfect. Just really curious what happened there

    You can post the name of the guild you where up against, it's not against any forum policy. As long as it's done peacefully, but judging from how your post was written (bravó) it should be fine.

    Christy likes this.
  7. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Why don't we ever get to play with the lesbians....So unfair!!!
    Christy likes this.

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