Rumble match making

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by WePillageYou, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Has anyone noticed rumbles taking at least 2-3 hours to start lately?
    Also, would there be a reason we are always up against the top rumbling guilds since the last event?
    While we like a challenge, we do not spend a gold mine on gems unlike many in top rumbling guilds.
    Before the event, we were winning majority of our twice weekly rumbles (some more challenging than others).
    We have 48 members which is always consistent give or take 1 or 2.
    Being up against top rumbling guilds is ok every once in a while but every rumble??
    Not only is it stupid to consider using any of our gems, it's frustrating trying to keep moral up in the guild.
  2. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut First Mate

    The solution is very easy, don't rumble, if your are gonna get into a fight, you gotta be ready to fight.
    If you don't rumble, you won't lose and your morale will stay high but guess what? winning really gets your team going so what you do? Try rumbling once a week and see how it goes, just make sure to get everyone on board for that 1 day of the week and gives your best regardless of the outcome, the fighting spirit is what you can't kill from the get go just because you got matched to this or that guild, you will never know what your players are capable of doing if you kill the fighting spirit from the get go.
    If once a week rumble goes well, then add a 2nd rumbling day to your week, if you add more days and see your guild suddenly scoring a lot less than they can, then it's too many days a week.
    I had seen many guilds complain about the match making but they don't say anything about their effort to win, Not even the top rumbling guilds want a tough rumble but when they come, you gotta show up not just give up.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  3. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Yes rumble times have been increasing for a little while - guess gradually the number of rumbling guilds is declining. :(

    An alternative is to try switching up your rumble times/days - if you are always pressing the button at the same time that stronger guilds are - you are going to be in a no-win situation.

    Good luck! :)
  4. awbo

    awbo Captain

    Do you have any lower ph levels? That can help avoid guilds with all ph 10/11....I think ;)
    WePillageYou and Mobotts like this.
  5. Hey Jugg :) Thanks for your thoughts and trying to help!

    Meyham Mutineers rumble twice a week with each member contributing to at least our minimums. We are a very happy and successful guild.

    What I was asking is has anyone noticed CHANGE in rumble times to be matched and being matched against top rumbling guilds ONLY instead of occasionally being matched against them?

    We love a challenge, as I also said, and dig down hard to win no matter who we are matched against.

    We were winning rumbles probably 80-90% of the time and always started rumbles at the same time every single time.

    We were happy with the rumble matching logistics before the event.
    Sea Patriot likes this.
  6. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    We are tired of trying to not get people that match our level by working hard to keep track of when we had bad matches. It seems this should be a function of the tournament director.
    Kitty1174 and ScoopyWP like this.
  7. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    So I'm guessing that guild rank has nothing to do with rumble matching? My guild is ranked 1,710 and one of the guilds we matched with is ranked 89. That's a big marginal difference in guild ranking
  8. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    Correct @Sea Patriot guild rank has nothing to do with rumble matchmaking.
    Sea Patriot likes this.
  9. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    The rumble matching system seems very random...sometimes the matchups are great (guild rank about the same for all 5 guilds), however it seems more often than not the matchups are a bit wonky (guild ranks quite different between the 5 guilds:confused::(). It would be really great if Midoki could possibly tweak the matchups so all the guilds in the rumble are more evenly matched. I realize it's probably difficult to match all guilds perfectly due to the number of guilds out there and the various guild ranks but it would make rumbling more enjoyable if it was a more even playing field.
  10. McQ

    McQ Captain

    Guild rank has never been a factor and I don't think in a lot of instances a great marker for the strength of a guild. A lot of top players jump up and down the ranks so much (we had a few in the 700's yesterday sub 100 now for example). Also plenty heavy hitters rumble in the low ranks and still get just as big scores as those fighting higher (cheaper troops, shorter recruit time/gems v higher points)

    Maybe in an ideal matchmaking world (and this is probably way too complicated, but would be harder to work around) would be to add up the rumble averages for each player in the guild and use that number to match others with similar scoring players.

    They'll never be a perfect solution. It's a roll of the dice so if you decide to partake in rumbles you take the good luck some days and the bad luck others.
    Cocobean, Dog Breath and Blueberry like this.

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