Rumble Rewards Requirement Set by Captain

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by LYM, May 26, 2015.

  1. LYM

    LYM Captain

    The rumble rewards criteria of completing 1 battle and receiving a reward is seen as unfair to players who have contributed with 20 attacks.

    If the Rumble Rewards Requirement could be set by Captain rather than default of 1 battle it would be much clearer of expectations from members. I would say let the captain have the ability to select the number of wins each guild member has to complete to be entitled to received the guild rewards.

    I would also suggest that this can only be set when starting each rumble and not change mid way through, the reward requirement should be should on the rubble page to all members.

    What's your thoughts
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    This is a fantastic idea! Prevents freeloaders and motivates more participation.
    The fact that captain can change is also cool because he put up the 5 gems to start with.
    Edward Kenway likes this.
  3. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    This is an excellent idea!! @Lynsey [Midoki] @AngryBeard please consider this. This will also encourage people even further to plunder additional bases. Great idea LYM!
  4. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Whilst I understand the need to encourage all members to become active, not ALL Guild members have the time/money to achieve a daily total of wins (am assuming you want wins as total attack is easy just by dropping rank) Captains already are able to, or should be managing the 'freeloaders' the existing systems. i.e.: contact/Demote/Kick and if a member is found to be 'freeloading' (as found with the Guild Ship donations) then the Captain should be managing this.

    A good Guild work together (donators/high rankers/motivators) for the common goal set by the Captain. A 'good' Captain will have will have a team willing to commit and follow them regardless of the rewards. A guild full of reward hunters will disappear as soon as they find a higher reward.
    Captain MetaTauta likes this.
  5. LYM

    LYM Captain

    After thoughts from post, maybe suggest cap gets the ability to set the total pts to achieve rather than wins. By allowing wins it could encourage attacks on weak bases and to encourage attacks will result in attacks where people surrender without loss of troops.
  6. I support this idea, I think Midoki is very much capable to make something awesome and refreshing with this idea. +1
  7. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    We do set number of points required, it's called a kick option. Again, no big deal for us. We kick those that are not up to our requirements and allow others to take a break during some rumbles. Idea being to have different players taking turns resting or raiding. So we would still set BP requirement to zero and let everyone get a share of the win. We work as a team, share as a team.
    Ian and Christy like this.
  8. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Agree completely. If I have a very active member that has to be out for a day (for real life) :D I don't think they are not entitled to the rewards. Also....some members have time to play all day. From home, work etc... Some cannot play from work at all so they play after work. So of course some members can contribute more than others. I don't expect everyone to donate every spare minute of their time. People have lives. And I always tell my members "real life first." As long as everyone is doing their best.

    Of course if there is a member that is never active and never in rumbles they DO get their reward. It's a kick out the door o_O problem solved :D
    Ian and Spongee like this.
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Yeah. I think everyone should get a reward. In our Guild everyone is active,but some miss a day here and there. We aren't going to penalize them for a missed day. I agree with @Spongee kick someone if they are not active. Don't limit guild rewards.
    Captain MetaTauta and Ian like this.
  10. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    The beauty of @LYM suggestion is that it is the captains choice. If the captain wants everyone to have a share then he can set the required points to 0, same way the minimum pirate rank works. If the crew doesn't like the captains setting, they can either discuss it with him or find another guild. Everyone wins. So with that in mind please give us this option Midoki.
    Spongee likes this.
  11. LYM

    LYM Captain

    @Tex couldn't agree more, if people wish to kick they can and set to requirement to zero, but for captains that wont to push the crew they would have that option.
    Tex and Spongee like this.
  12. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    If we do this then the pool of loot and gems should remain the same, and be spread evenly to those that qualify. Captains choice then. $50M Grog divided by 50 or by 25 depending on who qualifies. Not hard to implement.
    LYM likes this.
  13. Captain MetaTauta

    Captain MetaTauta First Mate

    Sounds to me like an internal problem within the fore mentioned guilds. Let's not resolve it across the board with this as a solution. Do your own housekeeping and keep things as is.:D

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