Save guildmate replays

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by Tex, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    It's been requested in the past to be able to save your own favorite replays so they don't get deleted. That's still a great idea I hope to see one day. It would be equally great to save a replay that is shared in guild chat. Many times I'd like to study them more closely, but they are lost as the chat limit fills up.
    # Johnny Doe #, Tiger Claw and Bear like this.
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Love the idea. The thing holding this one back and my idea is that the replays are not actually replays, but Reinactments.

    I hope they find a way to get around this, because this would be a cool feature that I don't think another game has.
  3. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I'd be happy, for now, if it just saved the reenactment as we already see it in the game.
    Just need a dedicated place to save them.
  4. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Let me add to this request the ability to see the summary screen of guild mates replay that shows which troops were used. The same summary screen when we watch our own replays. Could never understand why it doesn't include that important information.
    Bear likes this.
  5. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    In this line of thought, what about a guild library? Another building, once built you could enter, and either save your battles under atk or defense criteria and so that others members of the guild could look them up and play them at a later date.
    # Johnny Doe # and Tex like this.
  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    That's an even betterer idea. +100
  7. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Idk. I think if they ever do implement replay saving, the data packet would have to be saved on the individuals device. Then when we wished to watch it we could use something like the library so that the app could access the data packet.

    I don't think midoki can afford the extra server burden of saving it server side.

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