Second Tavern

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Skye, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I've seen this done in several similar games, and its a cool idea to at least consider

    This could work in one of two ways:

    Option A) The two taverns could split troops between them when training, so one could be training a brute while the second one is training a gunner. Another level on the PC is going to start to get ridiculous, so this is an effective way to cut training time when you're considering PH10.

    Option B) The other option, which I think would be even neater, would be to let each tavern train its own complete independent army. When you attack a base, you deploy units from one tavern, and then the second one has troops already built for your next attack. If you can select which tavern you use before the attack, you could have a different army built and ready for multiple styles of bases. Or you could have one tavern full of cheap troops for farming, and one tavern full of a serious business army when you want to take down a tough base.

    The second tavern would not increase troop limit, it would either act as a second simultaneous slot to queue troops (A) or a second army which you can pick between depending on the base you're attacking (B)
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    While I like your idea... Love it actually. The devs have said there will be no second tavern.
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    They have mentioned that they are working on a way to train an exploration crew separate from. A raiding crew. And they have mentioned having something like a shipyard to accomplish it, but who knows what will actually happen. The comments I'm referring to are old, and could have changed by now.
  4. kevedge001

    kevedge001 Crew

    Sorry to dredge up an old(ish) thread - but how about being able to queue pirates to be training whilst battle in in progress - would help cut down training times but up to 3 mins at least.
    Skye likes this.
  5. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    @kevedge001 i think this is sort of achievable already (well at least while farming) I recruit a heap of gunners, then when I have enough for what I need, I go and attack and leave the rest to recruit. When I come back, I pick up those that are ready, (recruit what I lost) and go again.

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