Show buffed values on building info

Discussion in 'Build Improvements' started by Skye, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    The game already has a way of determining which buildings are being affected by a LP buff as seen here

    My suggestion is that when we go to the info page of a building, if it is within range of the buff, it shows what the value is after the buff alongside the original value. This saves having to manually calculate it.

    In these examples, both the hp and damage of the bunker are being increased by 22%. Here are two possible ways to show the new value (forgive the incorrect font/shadow styling)



    the + value option may be cleaner and work a little better (especially on the Ship, since its so many extra characters), but either option is clean and would work.
  2. Brilliant! I had been trying for months to find some good suggestions, yet that never came through my thoughts. Please let your extraordinary mind do something about matchmaking as well.
  3. Awesome idea! I really like the first option (seems much clearer in my opinion) :)

    Numbers would be rounded to the nearest one tho.
  4. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

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