Skeleton king?

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Raider, May 18, 2015.

  1. Raider

    Raider Powder Monkey

    What's a pirate game without a skeleton king? Maybe when he gets destroyed he breaks up into smaller skellywags as a skill. Like the golems in COC.. I think that would be a nice feature to add to the game.
  2. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Uhh... maybe a Brute Emperor? (similar to Barbarian King in CoC)
    Or Even... Heavy Gunner Chieftain! (Archer Queen)
  3. Tex

    Tex Commodore

  4. Skull King

    Skull King Crew

    I am Skull King! LOL
    alebvk, Tex and Frumpy like this.
  5. Frumpy

    Frumpy Crew

    I vote Skull King. He fires skulls from his
    Skull King likes this.
  6. Skull King

    Skull King Crew

    And on impact they explode into razer thin shards! LOL
    Frumpy likes this.
  7. Jolo

    Jolo Crew

    Or maybe Buccaneer King and Thief Queen!
  8. Raider

    Raider Powder Monkey

    Thief queen? She'll probably rob u blind in seconds lmao.
  9. Bob the Builder

    Bob the Builder Powder Monkey

    I played dota 2. The hero once called skelaton king has the ability to reincarnate himself. Although with a LONG cooldown time. Maybe add that? Well since witch doctors can already do it, maybe he throws a fireball at a certain target dealing a whole lot of damage.
  10. Bob the Builder

    Bob the Builder Powder Monkey

    My ideas
    - skelaton king (up there)
    - lord of defense (juggernaut overlord)
    - black beard (giant buacaneer)
    - vodoo master (makes pirates go were you want not attacking a wall when the one next to it is already destroyed)
    - cannon master (guy that shoots with cannons)
    - High priestess (healing and alot of dmg)

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