sky raider needs a special ability

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by DamianWars, May 10, 2015.

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  1. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    I was pleased to see that recently both skellywag and juggernaut got a special ability. By why did they stop? All pirates should have a special ability and from what I can see the sky raiders are the only ones without. I know they have a short burst of parachuting and that could be interpreted as a special ability but all pirates have a thing and that's just their thing plus it can't reactivated. They have a gun they never use after they land and their range is at 1x. Maybe a special ability would be to increase the range and actually bust out the gun. I don't really care what the ability is I just want to see an special ability for all pirates.
  2. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    They do have one, death from above, though you are right, once only.
  3. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    i wanted to avoid this type of semantics of what a special ability is. All pirates have their inherent unique abilities that no other pirate has. for the sky raiders it is dropping from the sky, for the juggs it is finding mines, for the witch dr it is protecting others and so on and so on... On top of their unique abilities there is also a user initiated ability that gives the pirate a short burst of power, then it can rechange so you can repeat it and this is what I mean by "special ability"

    for the sky raiders their unique ability is like a surprise attack and just like a surprise attack it only works once. Although this is a short burst of an ability it neither is user initiated (except for the drop point) nor is it rechargable so it is not a special ability. I'm looking for a upgradable ability from the academy that gives these pirates a new special ability, unique to that pirate, which is user initiated, a short burst, and rechargable.
  4. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    You are correct in nothing user activated. You also note skellies and juggs were the same until recently. Maybe its in the works.

    You state though they dont bust out the gun. This is not true.
  5. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    Sorry. Editing in androis does odd text things.
  6. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    Well gun or no gun their range is still nothing.
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