So funny...multiple replays!!!

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by Master Pogi, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    I recently plundered an island and it's my biggest plunder since day 1. I shared it with my crew but the replay in my shared video shows different result...I laughed so hard. I watched the replay but it shows another 2 total of 3 different version. The fourth time i play, it shows the real's the pic..

    The Log Book

    Before I start attack:


    The real deal:


    The fake ones (LOL!!!)

    Here, Did not manage to destroy the PH. Annihilated already...left 700k+.

    Here, manage to destroy the PH but already annihilated and still 200k left...

    Here, 600k plus left but annihilated already.

    This glitch made my day...hahahaha. Anyway, this is my biggest. How about yours...?
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  2. Too funny guild was thinking this guy is a lair full of BS... Midoki may or not be able to fix replay bug other things above that to fix. Till then all bow before the log book it is God it never wrong. Gj on raid cheers ...I had to find your avatars buddy for my avatar.
    Master Pogi likes this.
  3. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    What troops u use to destroy such a base completely... And what are their levels? Can u share it?
    Master Pogi likes this.
  4. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    4-5 brutes
    2-3 jugs
    1 WD
    25-30 guns

    Could take that base pretty easy. Basically your average PH 6 player. The amazing part of it isn't taking the base for all reasources. It's finding a player with a base that high and leaving that much available for the taking.

    He had to have 5+ mill grog in storage, which means he either had every troop in academy / voodoo hut training a skill and couldn't spend grog anywhere or he hadn't logged into the game in a really long time and wasn't attacked.
    Master Pogi likes this.
  5. Captain MetaTauta

    Captain MetaTauta First Mate

    Lord m.... I almost peed my pants at your avatar! Great job!
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  6. Oh wait till you see the real thing I'm having built by this hipster artist in his metal shop. Plunder pirate r2d2 .
  7. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Lol!!! R2D2 in the house...:):):)
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  8. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Hi SaK...I always use my Gunners and Brutes. Very cheap. Doctors and Jug expensive, I just use them for revenge. I have faith to this two..:)

    Gunner and Brutes

    Their levels:

    [​IMG] and enjoy...
    SaK likes this.
  9. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    I thought so also..up to now im waiting for his revenge. Or just preparing to 100% wipeout me. :eek:
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  10. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Ty for sharing sir
  11. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Real nice plunder btw. Forgot to mention in my original post.

    Even if he does revenge yah and wipe you out, my guess is you'll still come out ahead of it.

    What I like is when someone attacks me and gets say 50 - 100k resources, I log on and revenge them to the tune of 500+K and they can't revenge me back. lol

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