Some Bold and Interesting Suggestions for PP

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by The Magic Farmer, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. The Magic Farmer

    The Magic Farmer Powder Monkey

    I want to propose some changes to the game that will benefit both the players and the developers by making the game more interesting and addictive and user-friendly too. Let's cut to the chase...


    1. Recycle Troops. When I deploy my troops, I know they are gone, win or lose, dead or alive. This makes absolutely no sense, and my standard troop costs me more than 10K grogs every hour and that's a lot. That only makes it harder to plunder and build up grog supply which I need desperately.

    2. Use Your Troops in Defense. Sometimes I see my own or others' islands got wiped out, and all that left is the troop that wonders around in the ruins. This is just weird, why would they just stand there and do nothing while their homeland is under attack?

    3. Make Defensive Health Non-Recoverable. Based on above suggestion, islands should not recover health until defeat or the player manually fix so. So with a troop in the tavern, not yet deployed or consumed in battles, the island should be capable of taking 2-3 times of plunders by players of similar ranks.

    4. Command and Program. I want the ability to command my troops in battle, and the ability to program my defense strategies. Instead of picking where and when to deploy my troops, I also want to set formation and pick my route and primary target; Instead of getting attacked blindly, I want to be able to set a defense strategy, even just a simple one like "primary targets for each unit". It's all dependent on rank, placement and luck right now. This has no impact on the game balance and will allow some pro plays where players from lower ranks can finally find a way to defend and attack higher ranks.

    Will update with more...
    Christy likes this.
  2. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

  3. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    You enjoyed doing that, didn't you? :p
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  4. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Oh so much :)

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