some tweaks on units needed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by diLuca, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. diLuca

    diLuca Powder Monkey

    I still keep exclusively using buccaneers at townhall4 cause any other unit up to thief isn't that reliable as this basic unit. and this could ruin the game experience/make it boring.

    granted, there is also just "BARCH" in another game but still, just relying on one unit doesn't cut it in the long run.

    That is all arrrrrr!
    Ayrton Ali likes this.
  2. Ftyga

    Ftyga Crew

    You are just like me ;)
  3. Razor

    Razor Crew

    I use all gunners, seems pretty good so far.
  4. Tim Martel

    Tim Martel Crew

    Gunners are much better than buccs in my opinion.
  5. I balance my troops, usually, 4 brutes, 5 thieves and 14 gunners. Works most of the time. but composition of your troops is less important then choosing the right target!
  6. Razor

    Razor Crew

  7. Thanks man! I had some Grog when I came up with the name ;)

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