Status message in players profile

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by Kamikazemug, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    One realy easy additional Status line to the players profile would be extremely handy with the upcoming summer period and vacations. Most members pass the information on to me and as cap i keep track of those off-line. It is agreed that nobody is kicked from the guild other then after Some deleberation between our members. Unfortunately not even i :confused: cAn (Or whant to) keep track of Every member, each and Every day.

    with a status line, players could easily state Why they Will be of for 2/3 weeks (vacation Spain, gone camping at lake titikaka...)

    Seems easy anough to create to me....

    Christy and Ian like this.
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    +1 great idea........
  3. I couldn't agree more!
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I like it
  5. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Love this idea!!!! Please get this on the top of the to do list :).
  6. Beck [Midoki]

    Beck [Midoki] Designer Staff Member

    Cool idea, if people want it we can certainly discuss it on the team @Lynsey [Midoki]
  7. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    We definitely want it!
    Beck [Midoki] likes this.
  8. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    In this interconnected world of too much information posted for the world to see, just be careful not to post where you've hidden the house key as well.

    In all seriousness, with guilds of 50 players, some with outside chats in GroupMe, Slack, etc. please be careful what you post people. Over the years, house broken into, credit card numbers stolen, electric utility meter ripped off the house for the value of the copper inside.
  9. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    I couldn't agree more with Becker's comment. Don't get me wrong. I like the original idea, but sometimes real world friends and/or acquaintance(s) play games together. It's not hard to imagine some dishonest individual(s) taking advantage of this. One of the reasons why users of FB and other social media shouldn't post such information. Save it for priv emails, etc.

    Becker Redbeard likes this.
  10. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    As with my other mock up post. I believe this to be a viable idea to add the player stats menu.

    I do share the worries about break ins... but if I look at our members (many are game friends, as outside of the game in chat groups) but from only very few I know there addresses...

    It would be easy to leave some info, off course at your own responsibility.
  11. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Another thought. I WOULD LOVE IT if a captain would be able to send a player a "message in the bottle".

    Let's say upon kick?
    Mention the Reason why, and let this Come up as a pop-up when he/she/it logs in. In some cases members at off line for a week for mysterious reasons. In some cases we make place for new active members to participate in the rumble. If he she is back- from who knows where- he/she/it can join again but must know that being inactive would be the reason for kick (or less active)

    If you could reply to that message to the cap ("I am back from unexpected hospital intake, would like to hook up with the guild again") the cap could make room again for this highly appreciated member :cool:
    Bou Regreg likes this.
  12. Beck [Midoki]

    Beck [Midoki] Designer Staff Member

    I like this idea, might be harder to implement as the messages need to be stored somewhere until the player logs in. Once we are done with the current work we can certainly have a look at ideas like this.
  13. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    What more could a pirate ask for!

    Keep up the great work and I'm holding my breath for the next update (the team is buzy so there must've heaps to discover again!)
    Beck [Midoki] likes this.

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