Store all items of one type

Discussion in 'Build Improvements' started by Morganza, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. Morganza

    Morganza Powder Monkey

    It would be nice to pull up the island editor, yank all the pesky-to-find traps off my island, and then place them in new locations.

    Same for decorations, "buildings", perhaps even walls (if I have been upgrading walls and change my mind about where I want the better ones, for example.)

    For a while I had a layout where I had accidentally dropped one wall... Somewhere. Never did find it, eventually found it languishing a level behind when I rebuilt from scratch.

    (In fact the ability to tap an object and see all of that type highlighted in my layout would be cool...)
  2. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Personality i might/would use the functionality. Now I rebuild my island from scratch. But if I could store all walls and decorations at once would make a changeover more easily. I personally would love it if you could store 2-5 lay-outs.
  3. Morganza

    Morganza Powder Monkey

    Yes the ability to store multiple layouts has been requested in multiple threads. :)

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